Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Adelia’s P.O.V.


I wake up completely disoriented. I’m not in my room. I fell asleep in my room. Luke’s not next to me. Where’s Luke?

“Oh, sweetie, you’re awake! Don’t put too much strain on yourself!” My mom says, hovering over me.

I groan and shove my face into my pillow.

“Listen, I’m not upset about the fight. I mean, I’m a bit upset that you’re the one who started it, but I would’ve done the same thing. I’m glad you don’t take shit from anyone.”

Hearing my mom curse is honestly one of the most amusing things ever, because she never does. I turn and give her a small smile.

“How’d I get down here?” I ask.

“Luke brought you down when I got home.”

“Where’s Luke?”

“He left.”

“Oh.” I say, awkwardly.

“How’s your arm?” She asks.

“My hand. I broke my hand.”

“Right, hand. Sorry, I didn’t really hear everything well over the phone. My boss was yelling at me and the receptionist from your school said something about a broken bone and a fight. I’m glad I left Luke in charge. He’s very responsible.”

“Definitely.” I say. “Mom, I need your help.”

“With what? Are you in pain? Do you need more meds? I’ll be right-”

“Mom, no, I’m fine.” I say, sitting up. “I’m suspended for prom.” I tell her.

“Oh. And you were going with Luke.”

“Yeah. And I feel really bad. Is there anything I can do to make it up to him?”

“Don’t have sex.” She says. Gee, I wonder where Ashton got that from, that fucking dick.

“I wasn’t planning on it, mom.” I tell her with an eye roll.

“Well, maybe you could-”

“Is she awake yet?” Luke calls from the front door.

“Yes, she is.” I answer.

“Damn it!” Luke yells, shutting the door. He walks into the living room with a goofy grin plastered on his face. “It’s all in the kitchen.” He says.

“What’s in the kitchen?”

“Your presents.”

“Plural? Luke, you didn’t even have to get me one-”

“I don’t wanna hear it, Adelia.” He tells me. “I got you some presents and you’re gonna man up and keep them.”

“Fine.” I groan. He smiles and walks into the kitchen. He comes back with one of those huge teddy bears that you see in movies that are taller than the little kids you get them for. Well, I’m pretty sure this bear is bigger than me. And I’m a teenage girl.

“A bear?” I ask, with a smile.

“I’ll be in the- upstairs.” My mom says awkwardly before leaving the room.

“That’s not the best part.” He says. He holds it out towards me and I hug it. The smell of Luke’s cologne immediately hits me.

“You sprayed the poor bear with your cologne!” I say with a smile.

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