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"S-Soonyoung... I can't breathe..."

The eyeless boy pulled away from Jihoon, ending the hug. They looked at each other with locked eyes, which seemed forever.

"Am I really touching Lee Jihoon right now?" Soonyoung dramatically muttered to himself, which Jihoon heard anyways.

"Of course you are, now move aside."

Soonyoung had his eyes widened upon realizing that the boy was a cold one in personal, but still, he loved him anyways.

"You guys should stay at my apartment first," Seungcheol said.

"No payment as usual?" Jihoon questioned, to which Seungcheol nodded. Oh, Seungcheol's father owns an apartment which they always use to live in whenever they were planning to sleep over together. And since they were Seungcheol's friends, they weren't requires to pay the specific payment for staying. But whenever Jihoon or Soonyoung was invited, one would not be present. That was one of the reasons why the two of them had never seen each other but still got connected anyways through their many mutuals.

After the airport, they quickly rode on Seungcheol's car currently on the way to his apartment. Inside the car, Seungcheol was the one driving and Minghao was beside him. On the back, which was the passenger's seat, Soonyoung was on the left, just behind Minghao. And meanwhile Chan was on the right, behind Seungcheol. And Jihoon was between Soonyoung and Chan.

While on the ride, Minghao was looking on the pics on his camera he took, which he shared with Chan.

"It looks like a scene from a drama," Chan commented. Soonyoung and Jihoon wasn't even listening to the two. They were on their own world.

"Why is your skin so smooth?"

"I take a bath everyday on with body wash."

Soonyoung snorted. "Did you meant to say I don't take a bath everyday?"

Chan laughed at the two. He took out his phone hideously, trying to not be obvious of taking pictures of the two. Probably the two won't even notice at all, since they were chit-chatting with each other. The next moment they were talking, Chan opened his audio and started recording.

"So how was loving Hoshi?" Questioned Soonyoung to the petite male. Among the three people Soonyoung and Jihoon were with, Chan was the only one who seemed to hear them. After all, Chan was the only one purposely listening to the two of them, while Seungcheol was on his own world while driving probably thinking deep thoughts, and Minghao was taking a look of the pictures he took of SoonHoon on his camera as previews while his earphones were plugged in his ears. Typical teens.

Right now, Chan didn't look obvious recording audio, since he looked like he was spacing out as he was looking at the window, view sighting out the window as his phone was on his hands, screen turned off but recorder still on.

"Fine I guess," Jihoon answered. "It felt like I was brought to a new world."


To a world with shining bright stars that look ethereal.


"Same for me," Soonyoung replied. "I love Woozi, that's no lie, but I think I love Jihoon more."

Jihoon heard that.

And so did Chan and his phone still recording the audio.

"I feel like I'm sitting next to Woozi right now, like so close enough to skinship. You really resemble him, I swear. He's only taller by a few inches."

It took a few minutes for Jihoon to attempt to reply, but because both was on their own SoonHoon world, they didn't notice they have reached Seungcheol's apartment already.

"Guys, we're here." Spoke Cheol, waking the four up from their own worlds. Seungcheol parked the car at the back of the apartment before stopping the engine of the car, turning it off as everyone got off the car.

- - -

bLESS our exams had finally finished :D


And also, I was thinking maybe I could meet precious PH readers on Seventeen's concert in Manila outside the venue? :o

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