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Before any of you gets confused, I must explain things.

They are fans of Seventeen. Let's just imagine that Woozi isn't the same person as Lee Jihoon. Don't get it?

Like this :
Woozi is not Lee Jihoon.
Hoshi is not Kwon Soonyoung.
DK or Dokyeom is not Lee Seokmin.

Their stage names are the members of Seventeen and the normal people are their real names. And about those members that have their real names as their stage names, let's just say that they have the same name as coincidence (weak and simple idea, I know)

I hope y'all understand, I'm really weak when it comes to explaining😭

Thank you and hope you enjoy your day :))

To be honest I made them look like crushing on themselves because the opposite is too mainstream and I tried this one :) it may look pretty weird but I'M HERE TO TRY VIEWING IT AS UNIQUE WOOT

And also it's long before the main plot starts, so we can wait :) we shall take a peek on their fanboy lives first shall we ;)

Oh and another one last note, Jihoon's character here is not successfully built (like, he doesn't seem like Jihoon because of the totally different personality) so we might say he is not the Jihoon we know at all .-. Still we all love soft Jihoon uwu

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