Chapter 22

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Lexi's P.O.V-

<3 weeks later>

The smell of waffles woke me up. I still have the terrible pain in my lower back. It feels like hell was unleashed on my spine.

I wobbled into the kitchen and found everyone eating. "Good morning," I went to get myself a cup of coffee. After I got my coffee I wobbled back into my bed. I did not plan on getting out of bed today.

I was watching tv when Kaylynne walked into the room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey. What are you doing in bed? We were thinking about having another all girls day before the boys come back home in 3 days," Kaylynne said.

"I can't today. These Braxton hicks contractions are really bad today," I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"Don't you get those before you go into labor?" Kaylynne asked.

"Yes. I've been having them every other day for the past 3 weeks. I hope this means that the babies will be coming soon," I said holding my stomach as I got another faux contraction.

"Oh. Well in that case I think we should all stay home and watch you. Just in case," Kaylynne said as she got up to go tell the others.

I sat in my bed and continued to watch tv. My faux contractions kept getting worse. Bre was sitting next to me when I felt something warm by my lower regions. I didn't have to pee so what could tha... oh my god, MY WATER BROKE!

"Bre, my water just broke," I said as I slapped her arm.


"My fucking water just broke. Those weren't Braxton hicks contractions the were actual contractions. The babies are coming!" I said as I got out of bed.

"OMG! EVERYONE WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!" Bre shouted through the house. Everyone came into the living room. Bre ran back to get my bag, Nikki and Kaylynne were helping me to the car, and Tati was calling Katie to tell her to meet us at the hospital. To be honest I don't know why everyone was so rushed about. I feel fine. I mean the contractions hurt like a bitch but I'm not complaining or anything.

Once we got to the hospital, I was given a room on the Labor and Delivery floor of the hospital. After I got settled in the bed, I got a call from Eric.

(Bold- Eric

Italicize- Lexi)

Hey baby.

Hi Eric.

Where are you? Are you okay? I was told you were rushed to the hospital.

Oh Eric. I'm kinda at the hospital because the babies are coming.

WHAT? I'LL BE THERE RIGHT AWAY! I'm on my way right now.

Oh umm okay. I'll see you soon.


Eric's P.O.V-

LEXI'S IN LABOR?! I HAVE TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT AWAY! Luckily the tour ended early and I was planning on surprising Lexi so I am already on my way home. i called all the other guys and they are going to meet me there.


Lexi's P.O.V-

My contractions were getting worse and worse. It got to the point where I was crying. I really wish Eric was here right now.

I had my back facing the door when I heard it open suddenly. I looked up and saw Bre run towards the door. I rolled over and saw Anthony hugging Bre.

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