Chapter 11

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Lexi's P.O.V-

While driving home I realized that I was running out of gas. I pulled into the gas station, filled the tank, and went inside to pay for it. When I walked back out my car was gone. How is this possible? I have the keys. I thought to myself. Well I don't have a car so I'll call Eric.


Yeah babe?

My car was stolen!

What?! Who would do that?

I don't know but can you come get me.

Yeah sure. Where are you?

I'm at the gas station on the corner of Calumet and Onidea [random street names].

Okay. I'll be there in five minutes.


While I was waiting I called the police. I gave them all the information they asked for and they told me they would call with any updates. Eventually Eric came and we drove home.


Once we got home I told Eric that we have to go over to Katie's house later. Until we had to go Eric and I had a disney movie marathon. In the middle of Finding Nemo I noticed that Eric had fallen asleep. I just smiled and continued watching the movie till I fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"LEXI! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO?!" Katie screamed on the other end of the line.

"What time is it?" I said shaking Eric awake.

"ITS 7:30!" Katie again screamed on the other line.

"SHIT! Sorry well be there in 20 minutes" I said and hung up my phone. I kept trying to wake up Eric.

"ERIC! WAKE UP! We have to go to Katie's house remember?" I said ferociously shaking Eric.

"Hmm... What?" Eric said sleepily.

"Eric we gotta go to Katie's house." I said tossing him his keys.

We both ran to the car. And drove as fast as we could to get to Katie's house.


We finally arrived at Katie's apartment complex 15 minutes later. We ran up the stairs to Katie's apartment. I knocked on the door and Anthony answered.

"Sorry we're late." said sitting on the couch pulling Eric next to me.

"What were you two doing?" Anthony said sitting on the other side of Eric. It was then I realized both me and Eric had messy hair.

"Oh my god!," I said fixing mine and Eric's hair, "it's not what you think. We were having a movie marathon and we fell asleep."

"Sure!" Anthony said with a smile. Eric punched him lightly on the arm which made anthony fake cry in pain.

"Okay everyone is here now." Colton said walking into the living room and sitting down next to Katie.

"As you all know me and Colton have patched up our relationship," Katie started.

"But there's one part we didn't tell you about." Colton said as Katie got up and walked down the hallway.

I looked around and I noticed all the guys were confused. It made me giggle. Katie then came back holding Callista.

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