Chapter 18

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(4 weeks later)

Lexi's P.O.V-

Today I have my first ultrasound since finding out I was pregnant. I know your supposed to go in sooner but with Katie's wedding and Midnight Red's busy schedule, I couldn't go in sooner. Midnight Red is going to be leaving to go on tour with The Wanted in 2 weeks, so they've been rehearsing like crazy. I'm very happy that Eric has off from rehearsals today. Now he can be with me when we find out the gender of our baby.

Eric and I left to go to the clinic at 10 am. We got to the clinic 10 minutes earlier than my appointment. We sat in the waiting room waiting to be called to the back.

"What do you want the baby to be?" Eric asked me.

"To be honest, I just want the baby to be healthy," I replied.

"Same here. But I have to admit I'm anxious to find out what we're having," Eric said.

"Alexis?" a nurse asked coming out a pair of doors.

"Right here." I said standing up, grabbing my stuff.

"Hi. I'm April. I'll be doing the ultrasound for you today."

"Nice to meet you. This is my husband Eric."

"Eric Secharia? From Midnight Red?" April asked in excitement.

"You've heard of us?" Eric asked.

"Yes. I went to the Austin show where Colton asked his girlfriend to marry him," April replied.

"Oh. It's nice to meet you." Eric said shaking her hand.

"Anyway, come with me and we'll get this ultrasound started," April said leading us back to a room.

"You can lay down right here." April said pointing to a bed. I walked over and laid down. Eric walked over and say on the chair next to the bed on the opposite side of the machines. April sat down in front of one if the machines.

"Okay I'm gunna put this gel on your stomach. Could you lift up your shirt and put this sheet at you waistline?" April asked. I did as told. April put the gel on my stomach. It was warmer than I expected it to be.

"First I'm going to listen to the baby's heartbeat," April said taking a broom shaped object that was connected to the machines and she moved it around my stomach.

After a few seconds of silence we heard the boom boom noise of a heartbeat. I looked over at Eric and smiled. He smiled back at me. April continued to move the wand thing around my stomach.

"When was the last time you had a ultrasound?" April asked. She looked confused.

"This is my first one. Why? is there something wrong with the baby?" I asked. I started to get worried. Eric took his hand and placed it in mine.

"No. Everything is fine so far. Now I'm going to take a look at your baby," April said pushing some buttons. The tv I front of the bed turned on and some numbers started going across it. April put the wand back on my stomach and a picture popped up on the tv screen. She moved it around. I saw two black circle shapes.

"You see those circles," April started, "those are the placentas."

"Wait placentas? You mean..." I started.

"Yes. You are having twins. Congratulations!" April said.

I looked at Eric and he was just as shocked as I was. I started to tear up.

"Do you want to know the gender of your babies?" April asked.

"Yes," I said.

She moved the wand to where one of the dark circles were. All of a sudden a baby shape appeared. I covered my mouth in shock.

"We are going to call this baby, Baby A," April said.

She continued to move the wand around until she found what she needed to. I looked over and saw April typing with the hand that was free. She looked back at the screen.

"Do you see that," she asked pointing to a leg, "Baby A is a girl. Right there would be the penis."

I looked over at Eric and I saw he was fighting tears. I smiled at him and he smiled back. April moved the wand to the other side of my stomach.

"And it looks like Baby B is a...boy," April said.

Again I looked over at Eric. His smile grew, as did mine. Thomas was getting what he wanted.

"Do you want a picture?" April asked.

"Yes please," I replied.

April printed out the pictures and handed them to me. Then my doctor came in and have me my checkup. Once he gave us the okay we were on our way back home. As we were driving I texted all the guys to meet us at our place so we can tell them the news.

When we got to our street we saw 4 cars parked in front of our house. We pulled on the driveway and let everyone inside the house. They all practically ran to the living room. It made me giggle.

"Okay so what is it?" Thomas asked excitedly.

"We're having a girl," I started.

"Yay!" Katie, Nikki, Tati, and Bre said at the same time.

"And," I started, "a boy."

"Wait. Twins?" Bre asked.

"Yup," I said with a smile.

"So your having a boy right?" Thomas asked excitedly.

"Yes Thomas. You'll get your wish," I said laughing at how excited Thomas was.

"YES!" Thomas shouted and he started to dance around the room, making everyone laugh.

"What are you going to name the little girl?" Tati asked.

"We were thinking Elizabeth Grace. But we'll call her Liz or Lizzy. And we'll name the boy Thomas James but we'll call him TJ." I replied. The girls 'aw'ed and the boys high fived Eric.

|So there you have it. Eric and Lexi are having twins! What do you think of the names? Sorry about the short update but I wanted you to know what Lexi and Eric were having.

I'll update maybe tomorrow. Maybe on Wednesday. Idk.

Stay Beautiful Readers!


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