Chapter 15

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Lexi's P.O.V-

Today is the day. I'm getting married to the love of my life! Everything is going to be perfect! Our venue is an old castle. It has a large backyard area, which is where the wedding and reception is going to be. Then there's the small beach behind it. The bridesmaids dresses are a violet color and so are the flowers.

I got to the venue at 10 with all of my bridesmaids and the make up and hair people. Eric and I are going to be on opposite sides of the castle so we don't see each other early. I'm so nervous.

Nikki, Tati, Katie, and Bre all got their make up and hair done first. They all had their hair up in a curly up due. Their make up was natural with a hint if purple to match the dresses. Eventually it was time for me to get my hair and makeup done.

My hair was curled and put into a low bun. My veil was put inside of the bun. My makeup was natural but fancy. After my hair was done I saw that it was 1 in the afternoon. The wedding starts at 3 and my dress takes forever to put on. Finally my dress was on, the girls had their dresses on, and it was time to get married.

Joey and Tatiana walked out first. Then it was Thomas and Nikki. Next was Katie and Colton. Finally it was Bre and Anthony. I started to cry of fear, excitement, nerves, and sadness.

"Baby. You'll do fine. I love you. And I know you wish your mother was here to see this. But you and I both know she is. I should've waited till after but I'll give this too you now," my grandma said taking out a box, "this was your mothers. She told me that if anything was ever going to happen to her that she'd want you to have this." She opened the box and pulled out a heart locket. I opened it and saw a picture of my mother and I from when I was three. I put it around my neck.

"Thank you grandma. I love you." I said giving her a hug. Boyce Avenue's cover of Fix You by Coldplay came on and that was my cue to walk down the isle.

I grabbed my grandma's arm and we walked down the isle. I walked slow but not too slow. I had my head down until I saw the stone leading to the alter. I looked up and saw Eric. My Eric. My world. My soon to be husband. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I focused on him the whole way. My grandma let go of my arm and gave my hand to Eric before she walked to her seat.

"We are gathered here today...." was all I heard the pastor say as I lost myself in Eric's eyes. At that moment every memory I had with him came back. The day we met, all the laughs, when he comforted me when I was sad, our first kiss, him asking me to be his girlfriend, the proposal and everything in between.

"Do you Eric (middle name) Secharia take Alexis Marie Fitzpatrick to be your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and in health. For rich or for poor. Till death do you part?"

"I do" Eric smiled at me.

"And do you Alexis Marie Fitzpatrick take Eric (middle name) Secharia to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and in health. For rich or for poor. Till death do you part?"

"I do." I smiled back at Eric.

"By the power vested in me and the state of California, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Alexis Secharia. You may now kiss the bride."

Eric took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we had our first kiss as husband and wife. We pulled apart and smiled at each other and walked hand in hand back down the isle.

Eric and I and the rest if the wedding party took pictures at different places around the venue. The guests were chatting and having a few drinks while the pictures were being taken. After the pictures it was time for the dinner. Bre and Anthony gave their toasts and so did my grandma. We ate and then it was time for dancing.

Guests came up to me and Eric congratulating us all through the night. We danced, had a little to drink, and we had the bouquet toss. My 15 year old cousin, Brooke, caught the bouquet.

Eventually the reception was over and everyone was leaving. Eric and I said goodbye to our guests and hugged them all. Tati, Joey, Thomas, Nikki, Anthony, and Bre stayed to help us with all if the wedding gifts and stuff. Katie and Colton had to leave early because Callista got sick. The boys were loading the car and I was talking to the girls.

"Thank you guys for being here. It means so much to me and Eric." I said hugging the girls.

"No. Thank you for inviting us. We are glad we got to share this day with you." Nikki said. Tati nodded in agreement.

"And Lexi, you and I have been friends since the summer before our freshman year of high school. I love you like a sister. I couldn't ask for a better friend." Bre said pulling me into a hug. I started to cry of happiness. I giggled at the fact that I was crying again.

"Good thing my mascara is water proof." I said with a giggle. The other girls laughed too. Eventually the boys were done loading the car and me and Eric had to leave. I said goodbye to everyone and hugged them all.

"BYE GUYS!" I shouted as I stepped into the car. I stuck my head out the window and waved goodbye. Eric started the car and pulled away.

"Ready for our new beginning Mrs. Secharia?" Eric asked a mailing as he took my hand in his.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied back with a smile. I love Eric and I'm ready to see what this next chapter in our lives brings.


Sorry it's been awhile. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I enjoyed writing it. I was a wreck while writing this tho. Listening to Boyce Avenue's cover of Fix You by Coldplay on repeat while writing a wedding chapter is not a good idea.

Sadly the book will be ending soon. But there will be another book coming soon, after this one.

Stay beautiful readers!


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