the end.

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im going to be honest.

the last few years of my life? not great.

i didnt see my boyfriend for three months, then he came back and i almost got outed by my best friend. then i found out he cheated and we broke up, and not too long after he died from a car crash. and i witnessed it. the whole thing. i then deceloped PTSD and depression from the whole experience, and i suffered for many many months.

finally, hercules, my literal therapist friend, got me a therapy dog that was literally hand picked just for me.

it just so happened to be fleur's brother.

so naturally, i named him bill because i'm not a harry potter fan and all i know is that fleur married bill wonslette. or wessle. shit, weasley. bill weasley.

finally, a year later i recovered from my never ending depression and PTSD and was finally safe from nightmares and memories haunting me.

i was able to move on from john's death and land in a job of my own that i very much love.

guess whos a journalist? not me.

i did attend college for it though, but halfway through my first year i dropped out.

this was during my time of recovery.

lafayette attended the same college though, that lucky bastard. he's a journalist now.

i, on the other hand, became a...

dog groomer.

doesn't pay good money, im going to be honest. i have trouble with the house bills and paying for bill's stuff, but it works. besides, not everyone can voluntarily groom a fox on a daily basis.

i got bites all over my arm now.

anyways, i am a happy dude. happy happy. everything turned out okay.

its not the end if it isnt a happy ending, right?

it was a fun ride, i guess. if im being weirdly optimistic here. i did enjoy the nice flowery park and night time picnics.

ending on that note, yours truly,

a. ham

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