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john collapsed into lafayette's arms, clutching his shirt tightly while sobs ripped through him.

"john, w-what–" lafayette stuttered, carrying the small boy to his couch. "hercs, bring some hot chocolate!" he placed a blanket on john, wondering what the hell happened.

"its alex." john hiccuped, letting out soft whimpers as tears ran down his face.

"did he f–"

"no." john glared at lafayette through his tears, moving the blanket to cover his face. "he kissed eliza." his muffled voice spoke.



hercules entered the room, shock crossing his face but he quickly wiped it away, replacing it with a smile as he held up the two mugs. "i brought you coffee." he handed a blue mug that read "trés bien", and then handed a plain yellow mug that had whipcream dripping down the sides and marshmellows floating inside to john, who sniffled and mumbled a "thank you."

"what happened?" lafayette asked, lifting the blanket off of john and then sipping his coffee.

john shook his head , staring blankly into the cup. "Alex cheated on me."


"Marquis!" john snapped, looking up from his hot chocolate into lafayette' wide eyes. "mouth. shut."

"i was just gonna ask you to elaborate..." lafayette squeaked out.

hercules stood by the doorway, tapping his foot along to the music playing next door.

"i walked into his house and i saw him kissing her. he pulled away and said stuff and then thats when he saw me. he says he didn't initiate the kiss but... i don't believe him."

"maybe you should talk to him about it. give him a chance to explain himself." hercules pipes up, opening his mouth to talk again but stopping as soon as he sees john's glare.

"i am." he rolls off of the couch and onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling. "life sucks, doesn't it?"

"not necessarily." lafayette crouches down on the floor next to john, petting his hair. "thing's will be okay, it'll get better. this is just the beginning of the book. you'll have your happy ending."

"youre bad at giving advice." john whispers, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.

"i-i think its good." hercules says from the doorway. "he just can't do it well right now because—"

"–because i'm exhausted from working all day." lafayette cuts in, his fingers in john's hair accidently tugging on a curl. ignoring the squeak of pain coming from john, he sighs. "im a hard working man."

"sure." john snorts, sitting up to wink at hercules.

a deep blush crosses his face and he stumbles out of the room, making the boy laugh.


"and–and i swear! i swear i did not kiss eliza! she kissed me! i'm just hoping john will be willing to listen. he always bails out on stuff like this though and i just," alex groaned and stuffed his face in a pillow.

peggy patted his back sympathetically, trying to ignore the very awkward tension.

"sorry, i didnt mean to interrupt your plans," alex said, sitting up and setting the pillow to the side. "its just, lafayette and hercs said they were busy. youre the only person im close enough with to–"

"its okay, alex. you dont need to explain. i'll always be here to listen, alright?" peggy interrupted, flashing a smile at him. "besides, i wasnt looking forward to going to angelica's anyway."

"what happened?" alex frowned, scooting closer to peggy, laying his hand on her shoulder.

"it's nothing. i'm just an introvert."


"she punched me." peggy looked away.


"before you ask," peggy paused and took a deep breath. "it was my fault."

alex frowned. "how do you mean?"

"okay i just told her that i didn't see why–" peggy squeaked, her hands flying to her mouth and her eyes widening. "i can't say it." she spoke, her voice muffled.

alex furrowed his eyebrows together, confusion written across his expression. "uh, may i ask why?"

peggy looked visibly uncomfortable, shifting in her seat nervously. "i... i dont see why..."

"margarita schuyler spit it the fuck out. now."

"why you would think

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