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John woke with beer bottles piling up near his feet, a drooling Alex underneath the table with medicine spilled around him, and a half-naked Lafayette and hercules cuddling near the fire place.

He groaned, massaging his temples as he felt a wave of headaches.

Alex stirred, then began to feel the stickiness of the medicine and his head shot up and banged on the table, making him groan in pain.

John only smiled, it would hurt to laugh because his banging head was still sensitive.

Alex crawled over to John, resting his head on his shoulder and groaning again.

"What the fuck happened last night?" He asked, running his hand through John's curly hair.

"Stop that hurts." John muttered, pulling Alex's hand away from his head.


They sat in silence, waiting for the two naked boys to wake up. "I remember me daring you to chug the cough medicine." John said, his fingers intertwining with Alex's.

Alex chuckled weakly, squeezing his hand. "Did I do it?"

John looked over at the red sticky stuff on Alex, then underneath the table, which had an empty medicine bottle and red liquid spilling around.



The boys built a pillow fort, using chairs, the couch, John's sage-green blankets (no matter how many times he protested) and many many pillows.

For the rest of the day, they chilled out underneath the blanket fort and watched television, eating popcorn and eventually having a popcorn fight.

"Truce!" Laf giggled, popping a popcorn that landed on his shoulder in his mouth.

Everyone paused, staring at him with disbelief.

"Mood-Killer." Herc grumbled, resting his head in the boy's lap.

"I'm pretty sure it's not-"

"It's mood-killer!"

"Guys!" Alex climbed inside the fort, waving a few movies in his hand. "Guess what we're gonna watch!" He flashed one of the movie covers towards them. "Looks Who's Talkin'!"

Everyone protested, groaning as Alex grinned.


John's head rested on Alex's shoulder, his fingers playing with the collar of his shirt while his other set of fingers were occupied with alex's long hair.

Alex closed his eyes and let out a satisfactory sigh, savoring the feeling of john's warm small fingers gently run through his silky hair and his other hand slipping inside of his shirt every now and then.

"i love you." John whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

alex opened his mouth to reply, but was told to "shut the fuck up you gay pricks" by the other two gay pricks.

life was good again.

whoops this ones really short and bad sorry

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