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woah two chapters in one day? thats so unlike me. i am somehow getting a flow of inspiration right now, thank god

alex blindly walked through the streets, tears clouding his vision.

it felt as though clouds were hanging above him, pouring floods into his heart and suffocating him. he felt as though he was drowning but he just couldn't seem to die. it felt as if someone tied his heart to john's and a part of him was ripped, rudely taken away from him.

along with john.

and he's gone.

alex stumbled over to a bench, everything a blurry mess. he could be seeing so many beautiful sights, many sights that could make him feel warm. and all he would be able to think of was how john wasnt there to share the moment with him. either way, he wouldnt pay attention. why would he if john was with him? why look at the grass when you have the whole galaxy next to you.

he buried his face in his hands, letting out quiet sobs.

"it's a beautiful day here, isn't it?"

alex looked up and saw a young woman standing in front of him. she had beautiful dark skin, as dark as the deep pit called depression alex is falling into, and curly black hair. her eyes reminded him of the new moon, a sight john would love to see. she was small, looked to be in her twenties.

she had a white tank top tucked into a long yellow skirt. the same yellow john loved. john had yellow pillows scattered on his couch, and to be completely honest... they were hideous. alex hated the color yellow. but now it seems to be the only happiness in his life. the only thing tugging him out of the deep void hes stuck in, the only thing giving him a sight.

its just a freaking skirt.

"y-yeah." alex muttered, fiddling with his thumbs.

"mind if i sit?" she asked, but before he got a chance to reply, she plopped herself next to him. she sighed and looked up at the blue sky.

it was too blue for such a depressing day like this.

"feel like talking?"

alex chuckled dryly, wiping the remaining of his tears off of his face.

"its better than bottling up." she smiled, then leaned forward and grabbed a blade of grass, gently caressing it.

"i-i don't know you that well." he laughed nervously, trying to shake the image of john out of his brain. john's face. his freckles. his eyes. his–

"i'm valeria." she turned to him and reached out, her hand facing upwards. "its nice to meet your acquaintance..." she trailed off, looking up at him.

he stared blankly at her, then to her hand.

"in a conversation, this is the part you introduce yourself. instead of rudely dissing the stranger."

alex chuckled, then shook her hand. "alex. sorry, im stuck in my own head." he laughed dryly again. "been doing that a lot."

valeria laughed, slowly ripping her gaze from him and facing the blue cloudless sky again. "you look like you need some cheering up."

"might be it."

alex sighed deeply, then stood up, dusting off the non existent dirt off of his pants. maybe he was just dusting off the pain of having a verbal conversation and the death of his best friend.

"i think i'll be going now." he said, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

"you need a hug." she said, not looking up at him. "i can feel it."

"sure, i–"

valeria stood up and walked over to him, tilting her head. "youre so broken you can't even process thoughts, your emotions, or any real life experience anymore." she frowns, then engulfs him in a hug. "i wish that you feel better soon."

in that moment alex felt all of his previous emotions seep into the warmth that is her body. he felt his shoulders relax, and he himself relaxed into the hug, holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

he didn't hug back of course. he was too awkward to do so. but oh, how much he needed that.

she pulled away, smiling softly and turning on her heel, leaving him alone once again.

before i edited, i accidently wrote "seep into the warmth that is her birthday". i dont even know

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