summary (READ!!)

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okay so, in the last few chapters SHIT HAS GONE DOWN and i was trying to... well i dont know. im not explaining well and everyone is confused now. it'd make m e feel better and hopefully y'all if i just explained each chapter. you can skip until you find where it got confusing

un (one): its historical times and john surprises alex coming back from philadelphia and they get drunk and make out

deux (two): john accidently reveals hes in love with him and they make out again and eliza walks in then storms out

trois (three): its eliza's perspective and she contemplates whether or not if she should tell someone, and alex and john spend the day figuring out how to explain what happened to her through a letter

quatre (four): eliza comes and they explain and what happened and her and john have a dad talk

cinq (five): they go on a picnic at night, and its reallt romantic and stuff. then rhe next morning alex has a cold and they end up cuddling and falling asleep on the couch. lafayette and hercules walk in and exchange coins becayse they made a bet on it, then in the middle of the chapter i changed it into a modern fic because i was having trouble write it in their time. i literally unpublished it once because of that.

sept (six): OKAY so my dumbass forgot that "six" in french is "SIX" and sept is SEVEN. N O T S I X. so i messed up all the chapters, so if you count all them up you'll get 20 chapters when really its TWENTY ONE! hahahahahaha good one elliot. they all woke up with a hangover and AH. then they sobered up and had a wholesome day in a fort

huit (seven) okay so at the beginning of the chapter i had this: "his lips left sloppy kisses down her throat, making her back arch as she grabbed at the sheets.

guilt rose in his chest as he remembered who he was with, and who he wasn't with. it was hard to pay attention to the guilt when you had a naked girl in front of you moaning your name.

he gently lowered himself onto the girl, leaving kisses down her jaw line, all guilt gone." and i dont think anyone noticed it? no one commented on it or anything. so after that john and alex had a very sappy moment and got dressed for some park thing with hercules wnd lafayette. unfortunate events happen and hercules finds a dog and names her fleur. then at the eND of the chapter, i had this, WHICH I DONT THINK ANY OF Y'ALL NOTICED EITHER. "so what'd you do today?" she asked, her fingers stroking the side of his cheek.

"we went to a very nice park and found a dog. her name is fleur."

"thats nice."

he hummed in response, closing his eyes as he tried to ignore the guilt rising in his chest.

"have you told him yet? that you're cheating."

"no, i didnt get the-"

"if you don't tell him then i will!" she huffed in annoyance, turning on her side to face him. "you've had plenty of chances!"

"i-i know but-"

"but what? who do you love more? him or me?"

he opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"i got to take this." he walked into the kitchen and chatted with his boyfriend, pretending that there wasnt a girl in his room who was wearing nothing but the smell of sex

the bolded print shows SOME BITCH is sleeping with a girl but i didnt say who. there were only pronouns.

neuf (eight): eliza barges in alex's home and admits she still loves him but also has a crush on maria reynolds, who she impulsively kissed. then she kissed alex, john saw and thought he was cheating and ANGST

dix (someone commented "haha dix" and now i cant read it the same way. because dicks.) at the beginning, it shows sexy scenes between the mystery boy and girl, then john and alex argue about the whole situation and john agrees to hear him out.

onze: john sobs hysterically and lafayettes arms crying about alex and what he did and lafayette keeps asking "did he f–" but john cuts him off. then alex and peggy are talking and peggy begins to say something and alex demands her that she tells him and i end the chapter on "why would you think
everyone freaked out and i dont know why? is it becayse it was a cliffhanger? two people were confused two and us three need an explanation thank you

douze: alex wakes up, and lafayette tells him he was asleep for a while. i dont think anyone got this, but i was implying that all the chapters before were his dreams/flashbacks. and thats why the chapter before ended without me finishing the sentence or even adding a quotation mark. alex grieves about john not being there and they just sit back and watch the fireworks. so basically this kinda is supposed to say "john is dead"

treize: alex is depressed and cries away at a bench, until a stranger with no sense of privacy asks him whats wrong and comforts him

quatorze: now its another flashback, and all flashbacks are in italics. alex walks in on john doing the do with another girl. which reveals that the woman and man having an affair in the previous chapters were john and martha

quinze: alex talks about how maiden lane is giving him anxiety and bad memories but he cant leave.

seize: the rest of the scene from quatorze continues, then goes on to lafayette and alex talking about alex, and laf does his best to comfort him and alex is obviously out of it

dix-sept: A N G S T. alex and john argue about the fact john has been cheating for twO Months. depression is the definition of this chapter

dix-huit: alex has a bad dream. the next day hes talking to lafayette and venting, and explains how hes been feeling. lafayette tells hercules this and its revealed that hercules is a psychiatrist, and he says that theres a fat chance theres nothing wrong with alex and hes just grieving, because "his boyfriend became an ex and died in the same week, laf" whIch implies that soon theres going to be a very fucking depressing chapter ;)) in alex's flashbacks.

if you have any other questions or youre still confused rhen message me and i'll try my best to explain

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