Ex's and oh's

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we bumped into each other in the street and you were grinning like a cocky asshole the whole time so i stalked off only to realise i'm wearing your shirt

Briar's pov:

It had been exactly 1 month and 2 two days since her and Myles had broken up. The breakup was mutual, they had discussed it in dept where exactly it had gone wrong and if it was worth trying to fix it. Maybe it wasn't exactly a break up, more of a break. Like in Friends.

Only it had been a month and two days, and that was a month too many. Okay so maybe it was her idea to take a break, doesn't mean he had to go and leave the country. Leave Canada and go around the world. She still followed him on Instagram, because no Abbey they were not broken up! It was a break!

She had seen his recent pictures, the one in New-Zealand and Australia, the ones London and Paris and somewhere else in France. And just, it wasn't fair! They had talked about visiting all those places together! Now it seemed like he had just forgotten about her. And she had totally not forgotten about him.

Needless to say she was more than a little surprised when she bumped into him a couple days later while going to the supermarket for her mom. What she also wasn't expecting was the smug look on his face once he looked her over. In return she was livid! Who runs into his ex, looks her over and then grins like a cocky asshole? Myles Erlick, that's who! And it just wasn't fair.

"Hi", he was still grinning.

"Hey", she was still pissed.

"You look good. I like what you're wearing!" His smirk grew wider.

"Thank... you? Didn't know you were back in Toronto."

"Yeah, Tyson had to be back yesterday for work", He shrugs.

And yeah okay, that was nice. But she didn't really want to listen to one of his holiday stories, she was supposed to be in those stories. She was supposed to be part of these adventures, she was supposed to be the one to make her friends jealous about the sun, the beaches and the beautiful cities.

"Okay, well i gotta run!" She hastily replies, "i'll see you later."

"Yeah, bye!"

She hoped she didn't imagine the "i hope so" mumbled once she had turned around.


"... and then he just goes 'i like what you're wearing' like who says that to their ex-girlfriend?"

"Myles?" Jessica answers sheepishly.

"Yeah, well apart from him. Anyway i just made a run for it."

"I'm sorry babe", Jessica says softly. "Maybe it's a good sign though. He might just have been nervous and blurred something out."

"No no no, he was most definitely not nervous. You must've seen his face, like he just win the lottery for God's sake!", Briar groaned into her phone and fall backwards onto her bed.

"Well what are you wearing?"

"Just black shorts and a baggy Rolling Stones T-shirt i found in my closet this morning. I don't see this winning outfit of the year. I'm not even a fan of The Rolling Stones, don't remember buying a shirt from them." She sighs.

"You don't like The rolling stones?"

"It's not like i don't like them,  it's just that i'm not a fan you know?" I ask.

"Oh, well maybe Myles is a big fan? Maybe that's why he made that comment?"

"Oh yeah Myles is a big fan, used to go on and on about it. He was always- OH SHIT!!" I facepalm. "Shit i'm an idiot."

"What? What's wrong?" Jessica says worriedly.

"The shirt, it's Myles'. That's why he was so smug, i am wearing his shirt. Urgh, i seem like a clingy ex-girlfriend to him right now." She mentally berated her for not thinking about what she was wearing. One day, this is the only day she did not put together her outfit beforehand and just picked whatever was closest and it's the day she picks he ex-boyfriend's favorite shirt en runs into said ex-boyfriend.

Sometimes she really hated her life.

"Don't stress about it, girl. You said he was smug right? So he wasn't freaked out, that's a good thing."

"Yeah i guess so. Anyway how was your day, i feel like we've only been talking about mine!"

She was home alone when the bell rang at 7 pm. She ran to the door once she found the keys and opened it.

"Hi", she smiles shyly.

"Hey", Myles smiles back.

It's quiet for a while. "Can i uh, can i come in?" He runs his hand trough his hair.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure", she almost whispers. They move from the hall to the kitchen, there's a lump in her throat when he unties his shoes and puts them in the spot he has been using for years.

They stand a couple feet apart in the kitchen when Briar decides to break the silence, "So...", she says and does not get much further than that.

"So", he repeats softly. And the way he is looking at her, the way he's just standing there a little unsure like a puppy surrounded by kittens. It just gets too much for her. She crosses the space between them in a couple of steps and launches into his arms. She almost pulls away and apologizes when he seemingly breaks from his shock and hugs her back.

"Sorry. I just, i missed you so much", she whispers into his chest.

"Yes, me too." He whispers back, his lips touching her forehead.

And maybe they should talk and discuss everything that happened, but for now. For this moment, just being in his arms is more than enough.

Yeah i know. I leave for like 3 months, come back and then it's with this crappy one shot but well,,,, it's something right??

Anyway does anyone have other ships they want me to write, getting a little bored from only writing bryles and nochelle :/


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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