Small person problems {1}

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i'm always scaring you on accident because 1) i walk silently 2) you never see me coming because i'm literally over a foot shorter than you 3) you just really don't pay any attention to anything below chin level do you. -High-school au-

Briar's pov:


It's not that i am little, it's just that everyone else is tall. Like really, really tall. My friends for example are at least 5 inches taller than me, that's probably because i mostly hang out with guys but my girl best friend -my best friend in general- too is a lot taller than me. Even my younger sister, who is a year younger than me, has a few inches on me.

"What are you thinking about?" Tanner asks me. Now Tanner isn't that tall, now as short as me, but small for a guy. At least that's what they say; i still have to look up to talk to him though.

"Why is everyone tall? It bugs me", i answer him while putting my English book in my locker. Tanner and i became friends in sophomore year after it was the second year of having lockers next to each other. Flash forward senior year and our lockers are still beside each other. I wonder if they did it on purpose; "Let the two unusually small people share a lockerblock." Anyway, we became friends after i yelled at him about my Maths teacher thinking it was my friend, he just laughed at me and agreed. Since then he belongs with my friends

"It's not that they're tall, it's that you're small. But same."

"You're not that short", i reassure him. He won't admit it but he is secretly a little insecure about his height.

"Nobody is short to you", he retorts without a beat. It's a comeback of his, we have had this discussion a number of times.

"That's true", Jessy pipes in her -unwanted- opinion.

"Yeah, you are just minuscule", Devon agrees. I grumble under my breath and close my locker, my friends and i start walking to our shared P.E class. Something i love about my timetable is that i have P.E right before lunch, so after exhausting myself i can eat without having to wait hours.

While we're walking a lot of students go aside, you see we are the "populars" of the school, i don't really see it but a friend in my English class insists on it.

"Shit. I forgot my P.E bag in my locker", i facepalm myself.

"How'd you do that?" Jessy asks, which is fair. How can you forget your P.E bag when have had almost a whole trimester of P.E? It's something typically me.

"Do we have to wait for you?" Tanner asks me while Jessy asks if I want her to come with me.

"No you guys go on ahead, it's not that far. Tell miss. Pyno why i'm late." 

I leave with echoes of "Will do" and half-run back to my locker while muttering to myself i stupid i sometimes am. By the time i reach my locker i have slowed down to a walking-pace. A dude i have never seen before stands by his locker, i suppose, while furiously looking for something. I silently open my locker when i have an almost heart-attack because the guy lets out a high pitched yelp out of nowhere.

"Dude you almost gave me a heart-attack."

"Yes well you almost gave me a heart attack!", the guy retorts.

"How did i do that?"

"By being here", he answers.

"Well i am sorry that i came to my locker because i forgot something", who does this guy think he is. And who exactly is he?

"That's... that's not how i meant it. Sorry it came out wrong. I just didn't hear you."

"Oh, ok apology accepted.", i take my gymbag out my locker and close  my lockerdoor while the guy continues his quest. "Are you new?"

The guy laughs, "Nope."

"Oh sorry, i just haven't ever seen you here. I just assumed."

"No, this is a locker from a friend of mine. He stole my book, gave me his lockerkey and demanded me to go look for it. Now here i am", the guy shakes his head laughing.

"So you just did what he asked, or demanded you to do?"

"Yeah... I owed him so..."

"Okay well, i'm going to go to my class, have fun searching for your or his book", i smile and turn around. "Oh and i'm Briar, by the way."

"I know who you are", a short pause, "Myles", he asks my unworded question.

Myles, i think, got to remember that. And him.

"Jesus Christ. Stop doing that!" Myles says while clutching his heart.

"I'm not doing anything. It's your fault!"

"How is it my fault?" He almost yells.

This is the fourth time i scared him, unintentionally i might add. It weird how suddenly we bump into each other almost every day. The second time it happened the hallway was crowded when he screamed out and since then we almost make a game out of it by play fighting, resulting in so-called "shippers". The friend next to him pauses, and i silently wonder if this was The Friend, the friend why we met in the first place.

"Because you don't watch out!" I yell back and the people in the hallway stops walking and a few actually rake out their phone and start filming. Probably for a friend or so.

"Oh yeah? What are your reasons for scaring me?"

"Okay: i'm always scaring you on accident because one, i walk silently two, you never see me coming because i'm literally over a foot shorter than you three, you just really don't pay any attention to anything below chin level do you." I answer proudly. I may have been thinking this over when i couldn't sleep one night after the third time.

Myles opens his mouth and pauses, "That actually sound pretty accurate."

"Thank you!" I smile happily.

"What are you going to do about?"

"Why so i have to do something about it? You do something about it!"

"Because you are over a feet shorter than me!" He answers smartly.

"You don't watch where you are going!"

We were about to get into a somewhat real argument when his friend cut in, "Why don't you discuss this elsewhere, preferably on a date?" The friend pauses while Myles and i gaped at him. "Comme chez toi, Friday at 7 pm. Great you'll text him the address? Ok great that's settled, come on Myles, let's go to class.

"Did you just hit on her... for me?" Myles asks while i am left gaping.

Part two is titled the date since i ain't got no time to finish it now!!

This sucked sorry for having to read it


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