Hogwarts au

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A hogwarts au:

we're both in gryffindor tower and everyone is asleep except us, but it's thunderstorming and i never noticed how loud thunder is up in this tower, haha, i'm a little freaked out, would you mind if i just sat in your bed with you? just until it's over?

Hogwarts info: there are four sections (?) Gryffindor (the brave), Ravenclaw (the smart), Hufflepuff (the nice ones) and Slytherin (the ambitious) and they all have their own house and section in Hogwarts. The boys and girls are split.
The Room of Requirement = changes to what the person using it... requires. Ask me if u don't understand something, i do not bite ;)

Briar's pov:

That day i realized two things: 1) i can't handle caffeine and 2) Myles is a good guy and i should've given him a chance sooner. You see, Myles and I has a bit of history. We met in first year on the way to Hogwarts and became friends, good friends even. That bond grew stronger when we both got sorted into Gryffindor and discovered we both got a secret passion for dancing.

We were best friends for the first four years, but then everything changed. 'When everything went to shit' as Devon not so eloquently put it every time anyone asked about it. Which they did, a lot.

Myles became handsome, in my opinion he was handsome before he went trough puberty but that part i leave out of the story, and with that he became chaser of girls. Me being the lovesick girl i am at that age, wasn't too happy with that turn of events. I called him out to it, to which he defended that the girls knew exactly what the got themselves into when they hooked up with him. A one-time thing.

And so i tried to ignore it, what somewhat worked for a good three months. And then i couldn't handle it anymore and slowly, silently backed out of his life. I had thought he would've put up a fight, even a little one. I was wrong, i don't think he even blinked.

Then there was a year of silence from both sides. I was in my fifth year, one of the most important, and completely focuses me on my grades and the friends i still has. I was fairly popular, before it was alway BriarandMyles, a package deal they couldn't split up. Now we were both apart popular with both the sexes. We crossed each other in the long hallways and sometimes in the Room of Requirement where we danced together even Sunday morning at 10am for 4 years straight. 

And then, sixth year came around. Sixth year is the year i suddenly got asked out a lot, when i asked why that was the only answer i got was Myles. Which wasn't really an answer at all. That's like asking why does an apple fall down and someone answering  Myles with a shrug. No not Myles, gravity!! That's what i kept saying to everyone.

After Christmas i figured out the so called why, Myles, everyone said, had a crush on me but was too much a coward about it. And the guys, seeing their hookups leave them one by one for Myles, had had enough and tried to take advantage of his crush on me by winning me over. I didn't mind, they got me free chocolate.

Though that's what Tanner had told me, who i didn't fully trust on things like this. He had a strange thing for Myles and mine relationship, what he had deemed as Bryles. But when i looked for confirmation with  Devon, he gave me a half-smile saying it might be true. Which i was nothing with, again. Really people? Why make this so hard?!

And so the year passed on, me looking at Myles differently and analyzing everything he did or said when he was in my area. At the end of the year i concluded it wasn't true, he didn't say anything to me or about me. So that's how i entered the summer holiday, without any worries at all.

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