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A: Can i have your number?

B: 04/**** ** **

A: ... I meant your jersey number


B:  Keep the number, just in case you're ever looking for anything besides a jersey number.

Briar's pov:

Today i was helping out my one year older brother at his last hockey game at East High ever. Both hockey and this school, for some unknown reason, meant a lot to him, and now he had to leave it both behind. Because he was pretty bummed out about this i decided to do something nice and help them out at the penalty box. The penalty box, my  brother Jason also calls 'the sin bin, is a small isolated bench surrounded by walls on all four sides, with the side facing the ice having the access door.

There are typically two penalty boxes: one for each team. In ice hockey a period in the box occurs for all unless circumstances call fo an ejection or a penalty shot. If a team scores a goal while one or more of the opposing team is serving a non-coincidental minor penalty, the penalty with the least time remaining is cancelled, and the player serving that penalty may return to the ice. 

In the case of a double-minor (4-minute) penalty, the penalty is treated as two consecutive 2-minute penalties. If the opposing team scores, only the penalty currently being served is cancelled; if at least one penalty interval remains, the penalty clock is reset to reflect this (two minutes if one interval remains, four minutes if two intervals remain) and the player must remain in the box; if less than two minutes remain, the remaining penalty is cancelled and the player is released and blah blah blah.

My job requires that I have to get his jersey number so I can record it and put it up on the score board with his penalty, that's the main idea.

"Are you excited? Do you think they're going to win?", Jessy ask me and the rest of my friends who are also waiting just outside the bad box.

"I really hope so. Especially for your brother, Bri, this may be his last game ever!", Tanner and Devon both loved my brother dearly. They thought he was incredibly cool because he was and very popular and very respectful to the rest of the student body. What they didn't know though, was that he was the biggest dork on the planet. That was something me and my sister, Abbey agreed on. He was not cool at all.

"Yeah me too. It would be sad if his last game was a failure."

"You know what's sad? That you aren't able to sit with us during the game, why did you think it was a good idea to apply for this job! Now we can't check out the other team together!", Jessy pouted. Jessy and i, normally, did this thing where we tried to find the hottest guy from the game and then stare at him the rest of the game. Girls, i guess. It was fun though, especially when we didn't agree and argued the rest of the game.

"Yeah but the view from where i watch is much better. You can stay with me if you want?"

"What about me, then! I'm not just going to hang out with these two idiot!", Abi asked slapping the two idiots, Devon and Tanner, in question.

"Yeah, you can't leave Tan and i alone with the crazy lady!", Devon protested too, rubbing his sore cheek. 

Jessy raised her eyebrows at me and then rolled her eyes, "No, i guess i really can't leave them for even a minute."

"Sucks! Anyway, i'll let you find your seats in peace. Ciao!" I salute them and open the doors to the sin bin. Well, this is going to be fun, i could already tell. 

"Good luck!", I shouted when my brother entered the eyes, though i knew he wouldn't be able to hear me over the excited cheer of the crowd.

Well here goes nothing


"That's a penalty!!", some of the crowd barked.

"No it's not!", others agrued back.

In the end it got called a penalty, the skater made his way to the penalty box where i was seated very smoothly. The, very cute, guy grunted when he entered, and froze for a second when he saw me in there to which i rose my eyebrow. What? Girls couldn't be interested in sports?

"Can I have your number", i asked politely.

The guy was still looking at me surprised. "Sure?" and wrote it down 04/**** ** **.

I looked at him blankly for a second then to the piece of paper and back before bursting out in laughter, i couldn't help it. "I'm sorry", i said still wheezing unattratively, "this is a penalty box, yeah? I need your jersey number to record it and put it up the score board." I smiled.

"Oh yeah. Of course, yeah uh, sorry", the guy said blushing red, adorably i must say. "It's 12... My lucky number."

"That's nice", I was still grinning, "what's your name?"

"Myles Erlick -", he got cut off when he was called back to the ice and gave me a small wave beofre skating away.  I smiled to myself for a second before taking the paper with his number on and putting it away in my bag. I knew who i was gong to watch the rest of the game.


In the end my brother's, and thus my school's, team won. At the end it was a little tensive, but we were all bery happy. Jessy attacked me in a hug from excitement whenwe met again, almost everyone had already left or was leaving, but i was waiting for a ride from my brother, and so was Jessy who carpooled with me 90% of the time.

"So, i spotted the cutest one, i think."

"Yeah, do tell?", i smirked and urged her on.

"Number 45, Glynne", she gushed, "Totally my type."

"Yeah?" i affirmed.

"It was definitely a close call between him and number twelve though!"

And that was all it took for me to confess the story to her,  i was weak, i know.

"Oh my god!! And there he is! He's looking at you! You should go take to him!" she encouraged me. I turned around and caught his eye and we shared a smile. I got the feeling he was just about to walk up to me when my brother swooped in out of nowhere and hugged me.

"Man, i am so glad we won! Yasss", my brother whooped to which i snorted and hugged him back thightly. 

"I'm glad you won too!"

Jason wasn't lisntening anymore though and i turned back to the guy who had a kind of dejected look on his face. Oh? He didn't think Jason was my boyfriend right?

Before i lost my courage i walked up to him and greeted him with a smile, "Hi."

"Hey!",  he smiled back before looking over my shoulder. His smile dropped again. "Better get back to Nolet... he's already glaring at me", he grimaced.

I looked over my shoulder and met Jason's gaze wich was trained on me, and Myles. Myles in particular.

"But i haven't told you my name yet?" I objected.

"Well what is it?"

"Briar", i said, "Nolet", i finished with a grin.

Myles' eyes widened and looked back and forth to what i guessed my brother and me. "Oh!"

"Yeah, oh", i agreed chuckling. "Anyway i came to give you your number back", i held out the piece of paper, "you can give it someone else. "

The guy smirked: "Keep the number, just in case you're ever looking for anything besides a jersey number."

"Is that an invitation?", i smirked back.

"It sure is!"


Yes, i did look up what a penalty box was and the copy pasted from wikipedia. Anyway, kinda excited abt season 5 kinda not... By the way? what would you think if i released some one shots that are all OC's? Losely based on people i know?

http://hall-of-famer.tumblr.com/post/136793403621/tonight-i-was-working-in-the-penalty-box-at-my  : Here's the link for the irl story if someone was wondering how i came up with this; i didn't.


One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon