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Chriseva (i know, weird... bryles update at the end A/N)

summary: Chris Schistad has a sister whose friend(s) are very gossip-y, as in they like to gossip. Chris and Eva's "relationship" is a Big Deal. For a Chriseva fic they both are very absent.

warning: This is my first Chriseva fic and it may or may not suck. A lot of ocs, like a lot.

Mary is now in first grade, she has been for the past month. She doesn't know if she is happy that Chris, her brother, and her never were on the same school together. She supposes she should be happy. Chris wasn't dumb, contrary to popular believe, but Mary wasn't a fan of the eyes that followed him wherever he went. Most of the time filled with lust or hatred. No, she is happy she didn't have to see that.

She's also extremely happy that no one asks her about him. Not a lot, anyway. When it first became known that Mary was the sister of The Chris Schistad, a few girls from second and third grade came up to her and straight-out asked Mary for Chris' phone number. Needless to say, she laughed, said: "In your dreams" and walked away.

A few others tried a different way though, they again came up to her but instead made small-talk for 5 minutes every day before walking away and going over to their real friends. Mary was not dumb; she knew what those girls were trying to do. Being friends with her so she could invite them to her house see her brother and "get to know him". Yeah, what a joke.

Chris had a good reason to not let them into their home. For the longest time Mary had wondered why she had not met any of his hook-ups, but now she was older and knew the girls he "hung out with" she understood. Mary herself was pretty popular too, at first she thought it was because of her brother but after a lot of complaints and convincing of her friends she accepted it was because she was actually fun. And hot. It was the genes.

'What are you so deep in thought about?' Elisa, one of her best friends asks her.

She sarcastically smiles at her, 'Ah, just thinking about my brother and girls. My brother's girls. The usual.'

'Such a deep subject on a Monday morning? Girl, take a deep breath.' Adam smiles back. 'Speaking about your brother and girls, i heard Chris hooked up again with that second year girl. Her name's Eva, pretty popular. They have hooked up several times, now. Which is pretty weird? I heard he normally hooks up with them once and then never again. So, do you know more? Feed me on gossip Mar, pleaseeee!'

A couple of people actually, legit stopped walking. How obvious. 'I haven't heard anything; you know he never talks about me about stuff like that. Probably someone desperate or something.' Mary said, loudly for the people that had stopped and wanted to know.

'But you can't know nothing, come on. I-' Adam was cut of by Andreas who slapped him on the back of his head and then dragged Adam away to their shared class.

'We should go too', Chloe suggests. And so they begin walking in. Though Mary couldn't completely focus on the next topic the girls were going on about. She knew Chris didn't sleep twice with the same girl, that's one of the few things she did know op his love life- or sex life. Who was Eva? And what was with her and her brother?

'So, i couldn't help myself. I went on insta and looked up Eva, the one we were talking about yesterday, her insta is "evamohn2″ and she is really pretty, like really. Like- hey, that's her!' Adam rambles.

'Isn't that the girl that got together with William, the blonde one with the short hair next to her?' Chloe adds.

'Yeah, Noora's her name. The strawberry blonde is Eva... who is walking straight to us?' Adam trailed off with a confused look on his face. He was right though, the girl -Eva, Mary supposes- was looking at them while walking in their direction.

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