Chriseva drabble

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A: go fuck your self
B: nah I'll let you do it  

Eva's pov:

I was pissed, i had been when i woke up this morning, i had been in school all day, and i still am now. The worst thing was that i couldn't control the snapping at people i had been doing all day, immediately apologizing after. When i realized there was a party today i didn't want to go, but Noora had convinced me that blowing of some steam would be good for. She said i had been way too stressed lately, and i believed her. After all, i had been pretty stressed lately and Noora was one of my best friends, she knew me better sometimes than i realized.

So here i am right now at a party from a fellow second year, but my mood didn't improve in the slightest. It even got worse, cause Vilde was God knows where, Noora and William had left not so long ago, Chris and Sana had stayed home with their boyfriend and family respectively.

I stood there in the middle of the dance floor alone with some boy almost grinding against me while making out with a girl -his girlfriend? i couldn't remember- dancing and sometimes taking a sip from his cup, no doubt filled with alcohol. I couldn't blame him though, i myself had chugged out a bottle of wine before the party even started and had taken a couple shots of vodka. I wasn't that drunk too; a little more than buzzed, I figured the alcohol in the wine was pretty low. Should've checked that, i think to myself bitterly.

I moved out of the centre and to the side, coincidently the side of the bar, and looked out over the entire place looking for anyone i knew.

"Looking for me?" A teasing voice came from behind, almost startling me.

"You wish", i answered Chris. My subconscious was pretty happy with a familiar face as i could feel my body starting to relax a little, my shoulders untensed.

"Ah, but i really do", he smiles crookedly. The way i never thought he would ever, ever smile and yet here he was. Chris had become good... friends over the time William and Noora had been in London. Then Noora came back and then a month or two later William came back too, now Chris and i hardly spoke anymore. I kind of missed it in a weird way.

"I haven't seen you in a while", he goes on, his features frowning slightly.

"We've both been busy i suppose", i say evenly. More like you've been busy; i can't keep the snort in.

You see, the reason why Chris and i weren't hanging out as much was because he now had a girlfriend. At first i didn't believe it, 'cause penetrator Chris and a girlfriend didn't match in my head. In no one's head probably. But they had been together for quite some time now, a month or so, it's probably just a coincidence it's been just as long since you last talked to him, my inner voice says. Not.

Because really, i knew the feeling if i thought someone was cheating on my boyfriend and i didn't want anyone to feel the same, so i could keep it in my pants. Chris and i, when we hung out it was more than drinking, making out and hooking up. We watched movies together, he had showed me all his favourite movies, sometimes we even just sat in silence together. To say i was surprised when he stopped speaking to me is an understatement.

"How's Tessa?" i ask after he doesn't provide me with an answer, "She's not here?" i ask. Too bad, i kind of wanted to meet her.

"Who's Tessa?" he smiles, to which i just raise my eyebrows. "No for real though, we broke up like last week i think?"

They broke up? "Why?"

"Well, turns out she just really wanted one of her friends who she has a crush on jealous."

"Don't you feel bad, 'cause like that's the definition of being used." I ask him.

"Nah, i realised she wasn't the one for me. And i realised i liked someone much more."

I smiled, "You do?"

"Yes. Where's Vilde?" He teases.

I slap him on the chest, "Go fuck yourself!" I laugh.

"Nah I'll let you do it", he smirks and leans in invitingly.

In the end, he did let me do it, or do him.


I always imagine everyone excited because i updated for once and then be dissapointed when it's not Bryles or TNS related. So sorry!!! In better news i saved some new promts i will write, by the way if anyone reads this and wants inspiration to write something, can pls pls pls write Myles meeting Briar's parents!!! I really want to see something like that! When you do tag me in it, i will 100% read it + vote!!


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