The start of something new

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"Why exactly did you choose to let Noah and Richelle dance the duet and not Amanda and Noah, you know, the two who are together?" Amy asks Riley. Whole A-troupe was gathered in studio A, safe Noah and Amanda since they went to the hospital for a checkup of his back.

"Because they are dancers who dance the same style and can do a lot of tricks, plus they have a lot of chemistry", she answers without missing a beat, like she had been waiting for this moment for years. Which she probably had, not for years but from the moment she made the decision and vocalized it.

"They do? Huh p, i hadn't noticed?" Henry says, his frowning face looking curiously at Richelle like he had never seen her before.

"Yeah, me either... have they even ever danced together before?" Sloane says, while she was still bitter about Richelle going in her place to the first qualifier she hadn't meant for it to come out so rude. Sloane sent her an apologizing look that Richelle didn't because she was staring straight forward at nothing in particular, obviously deep in thought.

"Yeah?" Riley says she looked at us like we had grown a second head before her expression cleared up, "Oh you guys weren't here then, sorry i forgot for a second. Yeah they used to be quite close actually. Right, Michelle?"

"Yeah, i'd forgotten for a second it seems like ages ago", she nods.

"It is", Richelle says before grabbing her bag and heading towards the door, "Imma grab some water, if i'm not back in 10 minutes assume i was murdered."

"Okay?" Henry says dragging out the a, he's met with a slamming door. "Sensitive topic?"

"Yeah i guess. Don't really know what happened to them, i don't think anyone does. One day they were the bestest of friends, the next it was like they were strangers." Michelle shrugs.

"The chemistry never left though, you should pay attention to that some time", Riley adds.

"How does Amanda feel about all of this?"

"I don't know, i mean she was here last year when they were friends but i don't think she ever really noticed them...", Riles murmurs lost in nostalgia.

"Am i the only one who thinks that's really weird, i mean Richelle. And Noah! Noah's the goofiest person i know and Richelle is so... Richelle? I don't know, it just doesn't match", Piper says.

"If you Noah is the goofiest person you met you probably haven't met Eldon, but yeah sometimes things that don't seem a good combination end up turning out to be a perfect combination. I like Noah x Richelle more than Noah x Amanda, and i think you would have too if you ever saw them when they were friends", Michelle explains.

The door opens and Richelle walks back in, "Okay, let's continue rehearse!"

They all pretended not to notice the faint tear stains on her cheeks.


"So is it true Richelle and you used to be friends?" Henry thought it was a perfect time to ask, everyone of A-troupe was gathered here except for Richelle, because she was sick and her parents forced her to stay home. God knows otherwise she would've stand here now, ill or not, she would not willingly skip a dance lesson so close to Regionals.

Immediately all the previously buzzing conversations died down, wanting to know the answer. "Yeah", is all he answers though.

"Yeah?" Amanda asks, like this is completely new information.

"Yeah!" Noah says stepping a little away from her.

"Amanda how could you not know, you were here while they were friends?" Michelle asks.

"I don't know. It never caught my eye i suppose!" Amanda defends weakly, in her defense, she really hadn't noticed.

"They were always together though!", Michelle still looks confused. Come on! She had noticed, and she had been in Maddison most of the time.

Throughout the conversation Noah stayed eerily silent, obviously lost in thought. "Noah you okay buddy?" Henry asks him. Again everyone falls silent.

"Yeah. Yeah i'm fine!" Though he looked less fine then ever and looked at Amanda like this was the first time seeing here.

They went on rehearsing but it was clear Noah was totally lost in his mind, Skylar stopped the rehearsal earlier than usual, giving him a pitying look which he ignored. He speed walked to his bag and out of the door in record time, while everyone else just stared at the retreating figure.

"I think if we just do a back flip then we can before that so some turns?" Noah asks, breaking the awkward silence that had formed around them. I was just them, and it had been a long time since had been just them. They both realizes it all too well.

Noah had broken up with Amanda a couple days ago, though they always declared that it was mutual. It didn't really surprise anyone after their 'fight' two days before.

They went on creating the duet for an hour before Noah couldn't handle it anymore. "Why aren't we friends. Anymore i mean."

Richelle looked up in the middle of a movement she was doing, what caused her to lose her balance. Noah stood closely though, and he caught her with ease. Richelle blushed lightly, "Thank you. And to answer your question, i don't know. You tell me."

"We always used to hang out, how come we just... Stopped?"  Noah says trying to remember what happened.

"You got together with Abi and we hung out less and less, when you left for Internationals, there wasn't any friendship left." Richelle answers looking down.

"I knew it was my fault!" Noah mutters to himself, he had always know it was because of him, he just opted to ignore it, not anymore though, today he was going to fix it.

"Richelle, i'm sorry..." he says looking her in the eyes for the first time in forever.

"It's okay", she had gotten over it a long time ago. "Can we continue now?" Don't be weak, you don't need him remember Richelle.


"No?" Richelle asks.

"No, i want us to try again. I miss our friendship Richie! I miss how we used to train and dance together all the time. I miss when we got milkshakes together! I miss us, i miss you... this whole time i thought i was missing something, i think it was just you." Noah says, blushing a bit.

Don't be weak, don't be weak. Don't be- "Yes."

"Yes?" Noah asks.

Richelle ignores her the inner voices, "Yes, i'd like for us to try again."

This is what i want in season 4, and i want it next episode. @tns, @god pretty please!! Also, as you can see Alfie does not exist, thank you and goodbye (sorry Alfie & Ralfie supporters, but not really) also it's short, but where i live it's late so yeah sorryyyy

Correct my grammar and all!!


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