13-Being Bitten

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two updates in one day!! whoo!! urghh, when i was finishing writing the ending to this chapter, the 'p' button started screwing up. now every time i press the 'p' i have to smoosh my finger on it really hard. stupid p.

well, anyways, here's the next chapter. try to vote for me, i want this to get into the watty awards. thanks so much my little duckies!!! XD



That thought jolts Romeo awake. His eyes frantically search for any signs of her being awake, but he comes up empty handed. Sighing and running a hand through his dirty hair, he glances at the clock. It reads 9:23 am in bold print.

He stayed in the same chair in the same room the whole night long. Juliette didn’t wake up from her trance yet, just the occasional twitching. His eyes scan over her face; full lips, heart shaped head, long eyelashes and tan cheeks. He wishes he could see her grey eyes full of spark every time she looks at him.

His eyes have bags under them, mostly from not being able to sleep. The whole night he was practically gawking at Jules, waiting for her to wake up. But she never did. His hair is messed up from running his hands through it. He doesn’t smell so nice either.

Looking down at his lap, he yawns, seeing how sleeping in a chair is not a good night’s rest. “Romeo?”

His head snaps up, eyes searching Juliette. Only she stays in her dead like pose, so his eyes wonder over to the guy standing in the doorway with balloons and teddy bears. “Max? What are you doing here?” His voice is laced with pure curiosity, not an accusation.

He shrugs, entering the room. He reveals three more teddy bears and a bouquet of balloons, setting them next to her bed. “I wanted to see her. How’s she doing?”

“She’s fine, for the most part. She keeps twitching, though.”

Max nods, eyes glimpsing at his little sister. “Astrid sugarcoated it. Were her screams bad?”

“Worse than bad. She sounded like she was shot in the head and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.” Romeo punches the arm rest on his chair. “I couldn’t do anything.”

Max sits in the chair next to him. It’s quiet for a couple of moments as they watch the lifeless girl in front of them. Last night two nurse looking girls came in with a gown and changed her. So instead of her clothing, she’s in a gown that ties around her waist. You can’t see it though, because she’s under the sheets they provided with the bed.

“Do you love my sister?”

Romeo blinks, taken off guard by the blunt question. Nobody’s ever asked him that before. “Every cell in my body does.”

“Good. Because I promise-and I don’t break promises-that I will tear you limb from limb if I ever see her crying and it’s because of you. Don’t even test me, Ross, because I’m a Terrier. And Terriers are bred for keeping werewolves in line.”

Being BittenWhere stories live. Discover now