20: I'm...

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Mel's p.o.v.

"Chris, I....I'm..." just say it! You're pregnant! Scream it, sing it, I don't care but tell him!

"Mel, are you ok?" Chris asked concerned. He quickly left his seat and made his way towards me, kneeling down and taking my hands in his own. "You don't look ok. Maybe you should rest a bit. I'll take you to my room." He said. Before I could protest he lifted me up into his arms, carrying me bridal style.

"Here you go." He said when we entered his room. Last time I was here things didn't really end well... let's hope it's different now. Chris placed me softly on his bed, taking of my shoes carefully. "Now, rest a bit." He said, giving a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Chris...stay. There's something we...we have to talk about." I said in a little voice.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Chris, I'm..." but Chris cut me off before I could continue.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying now?" He asked, wiping away the tears that were running down my cheeks. I hadn't noticed it myself but I started crying. Chris adjusted his position, laying down next to me and taking me in his arms. We just lay there, Chris slowly stroking my hear.

"They told you something in that hospital, didn't they?" Chris asked softly and continued. "Maybe it's not my right to know or maybe you just don't want me to know but just remember that I'm here for you, whatever it is." He said softly, warming my heart with every word he says. Why does he have to be so perfect? This will ruin everything but he has the right to know...

"I'm pregnant." I say, mumbling in his chest.

"What did you say?" He asked confused. I moved my body so I could look him into his eyes now.

"I'm...pregnant." I say again. Now I knew he heard me because some changed in his eyes. We sat there for some time, just staring at each other. I could feel the seconds pass by and my nerves growing. I started to panic inside my head, ever scenario passed through my mind.

"How long?" Chris asked, breaking the silence.

"About 4 weeks..." I stammer.

"4 weeks? That's when we..." he says, more talking to himself. He focus his gaze back at me. "So...I'm the...father?" He asks, his voice shaking a bit.

"Yes." I say, looking away from him. Suddenly I felt his arms wrap around me, hugging me tightly.

"Why haven't you said something earlier?" He asks.

"I was so afraid you didn't want children..." I started but got cut off by him.

"That's nonsense Mel, I would do anything to have children some day. Maybe it's a bit soon, I admit but I will do everything in my power to take care of this child and of you." Chris said, taking my head between his hands so I had to look at him. He wasn't lying, I could see it in his eyes. He was telling the truth...

"S-So...you're not mad at me?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"Of course not. Why would I be mad? I love you Mel, no matter what. And I will love that little human growing inside of you with my whole heart." Chris said, making me tear up again.

"I love you, I love you so much..."

"I love you too..." he said before kissing me passionately.

Harry 's p.o.v.

So, the word is out. Nothing I can change about it. Seb knows and it probably won't take long for the others to know soon. I sigh. I hope Mel tells Chris soon, it would make things much easier. All that stress isn't good for the baby, she should really try to stay calm but knowing my sister...

I take a look at my computer and sigh. Mel is right, I should stop working and focus on the really important things in life. My son, my sister...they deserve it. Closing my laptop, I put him away and get up from my chair. Walking to the kitchen I take a glass of water and drink it in one gulp. Tomorrow I'm starting a new life! Tomorrow I'm making time for my son and my sister!

Get ready world because the new Harry is here and he's going to make an impression!

I'm grinning like a five year old, why does it feel so good? I haven't done anything yet! I'm going to do everything right from now on! I quickly grab my keys and make my way out of my house, Dylan is staying at a friend's house so I don't have to worry about him. I'm going to get him something, he deserves it.

My stupid phone started ringing when I was about to cross the street. That's another thing I have to do, getting a new number so no one can disturb me. Looking at the screen I smile when I see Mel's name on the screen. Let's hope everything went well...

"Hey sis!" I said answering the phone, looking carefully right and left before crossing the street.

"He knows Harry and he's not mad!" She says excited.

"Of course I'm not mad!" I hear Chris say in the background.

"I'm happy everything turned out. And guess what? I'm changing my life from tomorrow on! I'm done with constantly working, I'm going to spend more to with Dylan and my sweet sister." I said with a smile, walking further down the streets.

"I hope you don't break that promise!" She said with a chuckle but I could he she was being serious.

"I won't, I promise. See you tomorrow."

"Bye." She said before ending the call. With a grin I put my phone back in my pocket before crossing another street but my stupid head forgot to look before crossing the street.

The last I saw were two big lights shining and then a hit and then...nothing

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