4: Knock knock

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Here we have a picture of Jason, so now you know how he looks like!

Mel's p.o.v.

"It's Monopoly time!" Jason yelled coming out of his bedroom, holding the box with the monopoly game.

"No! We're not playing that stupid game!" Jennifer yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh come on Jen! It's so much fun!" Jason pouted.

"No it's not! That game never ends! Last time we played for like 5 hours and dinner is almost ready, so no game." Jennifer stated.

"Oh, your just no fun! You just want to spend your evening in front of the tv again? This game is fun and educational!" Jason replied.

"Can you just shut up? I'm trying to read a book here!" Yelled at both of them. Before they could replied the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it! It's probably Brendan!" Jason yelled before sprinting towards the front door.

"Jen! Code orange!" Jason yelled really hard, making me jump from the couch. What happening here?!

"Got it!" Jennifer yelled as an answer and took a big knife from the kitchen, sprinting towards the door. "Just stay here Mel, we'll handle this!" Before I could answer she was gone. Ok, I need to know what's going on!

"No Jason, don't hit him!" Jennifer yelled.

Chris' p.o.v.

"Ok, something's going on! I can feel it." They've been awfully quiet the past days, something's bothering them.

"Nothing's going on Chris! Where did you get such an idea?" Robert replied with a smile.

"I don't know...you guys are really quite the last two days. You are like ignoring me." I said, giving them a skeptical look.

"We're not ignoring you! We're right here with you, aren't we?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes but..." She cut me off.

"So stop whining." She added.

I sighed. "Ok..." I walked out of our 'playing room', don't you dare think something dirty, and took out my phone. Maybe he can cheer me up?

"Hey Chris! Miss me already? We called yesterday!" Scott, my brother, said from the other side of the phone.

"Of course I'm not missing you." I said sarcastically.

"That hurts Chris!" He said, sounding fake hurt.

"How's Dodger?" I asked him. I left him with Scott because it's impossible to drag him around when I'm filming. I would have no time for him and I just hate it to lock him up in my trailer, so my brother is the ideal solution!

"Great like alw...Dodger get of the couch now! Yeah, great like always." He said, I smiled imagining Dodger messing with Scott.

After my phone call I went back inside. Just when I entered, the conversation stopped. See, I told you something is going on. "So...where's Jeremy? Shouldn't he be resting? I haven't seen him all day and he wasn't in his trailer when I checked. You guys know something more?" I asked them. Of course they know more, they always know more!

"Nope! No idea where he is." Robert said, not looking up from his phone.

"Wait, wasn't he..." Tom started but got cut off by Robert.

"No he wasn't." Robert said shortly.

"He had something to do he said. He didn't give any details." Scarlett answered.

Mel's p.o.v.

"What do you mean boyfriend? I almost hit him with a baseball bat on his face Jen!" Jason said when I joined at our front door.

"Can we maybe let him in first, then we talk." Jennifer said dragging the handsome looking guy inside. "And put the baseball bat back in its place." She added.

When we were all sitting around the table, Jason started. "So what's this 'boyfriend' thing?" He said looking the poor right into the eyes.

"Ok guys, this is my boyfriend Nick. Nick, these are my friends I told you about. Jason and Mel." Jennifer said.

"Nice to meet you." Nick smiled at us. I smiled back at him but Jason was still staring at him.

"So...you are Jen's boyfriend?" Jason started.

"Jason, don't you dare scare him!" Jennifer warned him, putting her arms protectively around Nick's arm.

"First I want to know something." I said, getting the attention I wanted. "What was that with 'code orange'?" I asked earning a knowing look from both Mel and Jason.

"Well let's just say we have some codes to protect you from 'you know who', and it's not Voldemort we're talking about." Jason said, throwing a suspicious look at Nick.

"So what's code orange?" I asked.

"Code orange is unknown stranger. Sorry babe, I haven't told them yet." Jennifer said, hugging Nick's arm.

"Is there also a code red?" I asked laughing but stopped when I saw Jason nodding his head.

"Code red it's someone directly in contact with 'you know how'." Jason said. "But now more about you...Nick" before he could answer the doorbell rang again. We're quit popular today. Jason got of from his seat and walked to the front door but not before giving one final glare to Nick.

"So Nick, nice to meet you." I said to Nick, trying so he would relax a bit. Poor guy, Jason can be a real overprotective friend. Before I could say something else Jason yelled again.

"Code Red! I repeat code red!"

"What!?" Jennifer got up and took her knife again, storming towards the door.

"Is this normal?" Nick asked me with a concerned look on his face. Jason came back, sprinting towards one of the kitchen cupboards.

"Where's the rope? Jennifer is holding him with her knife but she won't be able to that forever." Jason rambled.

"Who is it?" I asked, I could already feel the fear in my stomach.

"It's Hawkeye with a broken arm!"

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