2: secrets

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Hi guys, here's the next chapter! Hope you like it

Mel's p.o.v.

"There's something on your mind..." Jason said, staring into my eyes. "So, what's wrong?" He asked, jumping next to me on the couch.

"Nothing's wrong." I lied. Of course there's something wrong! How can I feel alright when that just happened this noon?!

"You are so lying Mel! Come on, tell me what's wrong." How can he know I'm lying? I'm pretty good liar...

"I'm not lying. I'm totally fine! See?" I put on one off my fake smiles.

"You are totally lying, I know that smile."

"Ok." I sighed. "Maybe something happened when I went out for my lunch..."

"I knew it! Tell me what happened!"

Chris' p.o.v.

"So, how was lunch? Found any good places?" I Sebastian. He went out for lunch this noon to search some good places for us to go eat. It's some sort of ritual we always do when we're filming on location. Normally I would've joined him but I had to do a rescheduled scene.

"Yeah, I found something nice..." he answered. He sounded a bit of, not like he normally is.

"The food was good there?" That's one of the most important things when your filming on location, finding good food.

"Yeah." He answered shortly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, no! Everything fine." He said, not looking me in the eyes.

"If you say so..."

"I'm going to my hotel room, rest a bit. See you tonight for our scene?" He said. Ok, this is strange. Before I could answer he walked of towards the hotel. I have to find out what's going on here...

Mel's p.o.v.

"Oh no..." Jason said after I told him everything what happened during lunch. "This is not good."

"You don't have to tell me." I said with a sigh.

"Ok, this is a big city Mel. What's the chance of you bumping into Chris?" Jennifer asked, she came home just when I started Jason telling everything. So, of course she had to know it too.

"Pretty big apparently." I answered her question.

"Well actually you bumped into Seb, not Chris..." Jason said.

"Yeah but now Sebastian knows I'm here. What if he tells Chris?" I asked. If he does that everything will go back like it was before, I can't survive that!

"You asked Sebastian not to tell him, didn't you?" Jennifer said.

I sighed. No, this isn't happening again. "We have to leave!" I stated.

"What!?" Jennifer and Jason said together.

"We can't just leave Mel!" Jason said hysterical. "We have responsibilities, people that care for us! Like Brendan! I can't leave him like that!"

"Then I'll leave alone. I'm going to book a flight right away." I said.

"Stop!" Jennifer said pulling me back onto the couch. "No one is leaving, you are staying here! We'll think of something, we're good at it."

"Yeah, so no one has to leave. We can stay in this beautiful country with Brendan." Jason said pulling me into a hug.

"So what's the plan? Lock me up in the apartment?" I asked skeptical.

"No, of course not! I'll get the white board, Jason you get the snacks." Jennifer ordered, launching herself of the couch.

"So Mel, you fancy some crisps or popcorn?" Jason asked, walking towards the kitchen. "You know what? I'm getting both."

"Ok people, let's get those brains working!" Jennifer said, placing her white board in front of the television.

Seb's p.o.v.

Should I tell him? No! I can't do that, it's just going better with him. I can't give him hope. Maybe I saw it wrong? I could be some other girl.

No, that's impossible stupid! She talked to you!

Ok, so it's Mel... how is it even possible?

'Winter bear 🐻' started a new conversation

'Winter bear 🐻' added 'iron grandpa 👴' to the conversation

'Winter bear 🐻' added 'momma scar' to the conversation

Winter bear 🐻:
We have a situation

Iron grandpa 👴:
What for situation?

Momma scar:
Something serious?

Winter bear 🐻:
It's about Mel

Iron grandpa 👴:

Winter bear 🐻:
I saw her today
She's here in Germany!

Momma scar:
Are you serious?

Winter bear 🐻:
Of course I am!

Iron grandpa 👴:
This means trouble

Just one chance [sequel to 'just one look'] [C. Evans fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now