The Bad Boy (Jack Gilinsky)

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It was my first day back in school since Summer and I was dreading going in. I wasn’t looking forward to having to smile and be polite to hundreds of people that I hated, everyday for the next few months. I know I probably sound like some kid who hates everything but honestly I’m not, It’s just most of the people in my school were social climbers with a combined IQ of 5.

Don’t get me wrong I did have friends but I was only really friends with them so I didn’t have to seat alone everyday and they were the most sane people I could find in the school. There was four of us, Maggie, Lauren, Christine and Me. I walked up to them as they stood in a circle talking.“Oh my God Kendall where were you all summer?” Maggie asked me. "I was on vacation in California with my family" I told them. Although that wasn’t 100% true, Yeah I was in California but not for the whole summer. I just wasn’t in the mood to have to explain to them why I didn’t want to see them all summer.

I was saved from the small talk by the bell ringing. "Sorry I have to go to Science, I’ll talk to you later" I said already halfway down the hallway as I said the words.

Even though I sprinted to class, somehow I still ended up being late. “Glad you finally decided to join us” My teacher said smiling smugly. “Sorry” I murmured. "There’s only one seat so take a seat next to Mr Gilinsky" He said gesturing to the back of the class. There he was, Jack Gilinsky, the one person I hated more than everyone else in this whole school combined.My school was full of idiots but he definitely won first place. He was just such an dick, he walked around like he didn’t care about anything or anyone and to make it even worse he could get any girl he wanted. I guess the whole mysterious thing works on the girls around here. Well not me I would never fall for the bullshit.

I dragged myself to the back of the class taking the spare seat next to him. I was not looking forward to spending the next hour sitting next to him. “Now class these will be your seats for the rest of the year” Mr Harris told us. "Great" I said under my breathe rolling my eyes, leaning my elbows on the desk.

Jack leaned back in his chair folding his arms with no books or anything. Obviously prepared for our first class of the year. I was no straight A student either but at least I had the common sense to bring a pencil to class.

"Now class your first assignment this year is to do a project in relation to Physics, you and your partner will both pick out a topic from the hat I have here" He said holding up a ordinary black hat. I shot my hand up. “Yes” He said acknowledging my question request. “Do we get to choose our own partners?” I asked him hoping the answer would be yes. "No whoever you’re sitting beside will be your partner, why do you have a problem with being partners with Mr Gilinsky?" He asked me.

I sighed, "No" I lied slouching back in my chair. "Okay class I’ll be coming around with the hat and you can spend the rest of the class discussing your topic" He said getting up out of his chair.

We sat there in silence until Mr. Harris came around. I reached into the hate and picked out a piece of paper, opening it. "Gravity? How do we do a project on Gravity?" I said confused. Mr. Harris shrugged, “That’s for you two to figure out” He said walking away. It was inevitable at this point that I was going to have to talk to Jack. “So what should we do?” I said turning to him reluctantly. He shrugged “I don’t know you think of ideas” He said in disinterested tone taking out his phone. I could feel myself getting angry, I was not going to let him trick me into doing this project by myself.

"Why don’t we throw you off a building and test whether gravity is just a theory" I suggested glaring at him. He chucked to himself smugly knowing he had annoyed me not looking up from his phone. I decided to give up at this point and began brainstorming ideas for the rest of the class.

After what felt like hours the bell rang. "Okay class this is not a project that you can only do in class because we will only have one class a week dedicated to this project so you’re going to have to do this project outside of class. Maybe go over to each others houses? I’ll be checking your progress on Wednesday" He suggested.

Before he could say anything else, everyone shuffled out of the room. Jack scurried off somewhere, not that I really cared as long as I didn’t have to see him for the rest of the day. The day dragged on but eventually school was over. I looked around for Jack, although I didn’t particularly want to spend the afternoon with him doing a science project, I knew it counted for too much of our grade to not.

I finally found him surrounded by a group of girls outside the school. “Are you coming?” I said standing in front of him. "What are you talking about?" He asked frowning at me. “Our project hello? 30% of our grade? does it ring a bell?” I asked him. “Sorry can’t today sorry babe”He said smirking at me."Don’t call me babe" I demanded frowning at him "Sorry babe" he said winking at me. I glared at him before storming off. I can’t believe I had to spent the next 2 months doing a project with this asshole.

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