Chapter Eight

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I wish I had something to say, but I'm speechless for sure...

Kitten's POV

I heard the news through Amy.

"Louis' mother has passed, little master," she spoke softly to me. I nodded dismissively, although my heart wrenched.

No matter how much I hated showing my emotions, she could always see through my numb demeanor.

"Would you like me to...?" She let the fragment hang in the air, hinting towards what I already knew.

"No, let's keep everything as it is," I decided, "Let's not abuse your powers, Aimes." She sighed, shaking her head.

"If you'd only let me, we could do so much goo—"

"I said no!!" I yelled out in frustration. I didn't mean to work myself up but I'd been in too many scenarios where I let her convince me otherwise and it always turned out bad for me.

"Just...drop it, please," I ordered in a calmer manner.

"Of course, master," she replied stoically, bowing before quickly escaping her position from next to my bedroom door.

I sighed once more, looking down at my hands before screwing my eyes shut.

"Of all the things I've done," I muttered.

"You're my best mistake."

I could hear the voice clear as day, but I knew it was just a memory. I might seem young but I knew more than I let on, and that's what I'm afraid others would realize. People like Louis were easy to fool; others like Nikki were ones to be wary of. I didn't need her prying into my life and spilling my secrets.

Not again. Not ever.

I opened my eyes, my heart heavy with remorse and grief, my mind rewinding memories of all that used to be. I want to go back...

I stood shakily and carefully made my way to the bathroom connected to my room. I glanced at myself in the mirror over the sink.

I looked a mess; it'd seemed that without realizing it, I'd begun to cry. My eyes were lightly rimmed with red and silent tears streaked down my face. I whimpered in emotional pain and heartache.

"It's time for bed, little master," Amy whispered, appearing to my side as if out of thin air; I wasn't surprised. She carried my bridal style to my bed and tucked me in.

"I-I'm so t-tired," I whimpered out between soft sobs and held back sounds of pain and internal suffering. Aimes nodded as if understanding my mindset at the moment.

"Understood, master." She placed a quick peck to the top of my head and left briskly, still not used to my exaggerated expressions of emotion despite all these years. I took no mind to it, knowing that'd she'd always be there at the end of the day, lest I need her.

That night I cried myself to sleep for the first time in what seemed like forever.

* * *

When I woke up, I immediately groaned; I had a major headache from last night's display of fierce emotions.

In other words, I cried so hard that I'd caused myself a headache. I stretched and yawned, allowing myself a moment to sit up and just breathe, reminding myself that I am indeed alive and have not, unfortunately, died in my sleep. How lovely.

"Good morning, master. Breakfast awaits you downstairs and I've brought you your mug of orange juice," the mysterious butler of mine greeted. I hummed and forced my eyes open. I looked Amy dead in the eyes with a pair of my own empty ones.

"Today," I started, "Today is the day I make my life a little more bearable."

She narrowed her eyes, not agreeing with my ways of handling stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed, but nodded nonetheless.

"As you wish, master."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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