Chapter Three

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A/N: Just an fyi, but Nicoletta will be the main POV until told otherwise 🤗🤗 (and there will be an otherwise 😏😏😏)


Kitten and I sat in the living room, silently listening as spontaneous giggles would erupt from the bathroom area, followed by the inevitable quieting. I watched Kitten slyly as she sat up properly, almost stoic, and listened. Each time a 'shhh!' was heard, she'd flinch (only barely). A while into my observations, the doorbell rang, followed by three knocks. I excused myself and Kitten numbly nodded back, pulling out her phone. Before I to go open the door, I heard all of Kitten's guests squeal silently before rushing down the stairs. I tried not to run to the door, slowing myself to a speed walk. I took a deep breath and smiled, opening the door. Harry and Eliza met me with wide smiles.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted, hugging each of them tightly. Harry invited himself inside, leaving me with Eliza.

"Hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of inviting some of our old pals," she spoke up with a mischievous grin. Out jumped two of my dearest friends.

"LIN!!! QUEEN!!!" I heard a faint buckle from Harry. I tackled both of my gals in a bear hug. They burst into laughter.

"Nikki!" They exclaimed in unison. I heard a mock sigh from Eliza.

"What about me?" She cried.

"We've already seen you," Queen, aka Brianna, sasses. Lindsey, aka Lin, snickered, causing Eliza to roll her eyes.

"Thanks," she remarked sarcastically. Bri, Lin and I got up from our position and entered our house. As soon as we entered, our ears were attacked by numerous 'yasss's and 'get it!' I glanced over at my amigas in confusion and they shrugged. We walked into the living room and--

"Oh my god," I muttered, face palming myself.

Louis and Harry were on my couch, making out as the other guests jeered them on.

"Damn, they're really going at it," Bri joked. Lin and Eliza held faces of absolute horror. I burst out in laughter before breaking it up.

"Okay, guys, not on my couch," I reprimanded in a playful manner. Harry and Louis pulled apart with heavy pants and cheeky grins. I clapped my hands together gathering everyone's attention.

"So," I began, "let's get names down." Everyone settled themselves down and found a seat, from the couches to the floor, to somebody's lap (*cough cough* Harry ).

"I'll start. I'm Nicoletta and uhhhhh I'm from Virginia and uh I'm human," I joked. Giggles were heard before I stood out of the spotlight and let someone else have a turn. One of Kitten's friends replaced my spot.

"I'm Jillian, but everyone calls me--"

"Jilly!!" Kitten squealed. We laughed while all of her friends gave her the look.

"No. Everyone calls me Jill. I told you to stop calling me that." Kitten laugh softly, blushing.

"Sorry, I forgot," she mumbled. I took in Jill's appearance; she was almost Harry's height (which is pretty tall) and had blonde hair. She was very built; you could just tell she was athletic and she seemed...okay. I haven't had the chance to really talk to any of Kitten's friends so it's not like I can make an inference on how they are. Another one of her friends stood.

"I'm Paris, but I like to go by Rainy. And I'm afraid of people," she explained in a confident tone. She had red hair and freckles and was thin. Her eyes were vibrant with life and she seemed like a quieter version of Kitten. She took a seat and Eliza decided to stand.

"I'm Eliza--"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU'RE BRITISH!!" Kitten explained, causing a commotion to erupt.

"Amaya, not this again."

"Oh my lord."


"I like dick." Everyone looked to Louis.

"What?" We all took a quick moment to have a laugh before Eliza continued.

"I'm Eliza and I...don't know what to say," she chuckled nervously, blushing in the slightest bit. I decided to step in and help her.

"She's one of my closest gals," I announced cheekily, snaking my arm around her shoulder. El mouthed a 'thank you' before we both settled back in our seats. Another friend of Kitten's (or Amaya?) stood.

"I'm Meilyn--"

"Mexican," a few of the guests snickered. Meilyn laughed.

"Basically. I am close friends with," she paused, gesturing to another short woman with a very large.....chest. The said woman posed and giggled.

"Celine!!" She exclaimed. "I'm a retired model for Abercrombie and Fitch and I know a place where you can get some affordable corsets," she offered, winking in Eliza and I's direction. I blushed, flustered. What would Eliza look like in a corset? Before I could ponder and daydream, Louis stood and introduced himself.

"I'm Louis and I like dick," he announced proudly, pointing to Harry. "Preferably his." All of Kitten's friends applauded him as he bowed and blew kisses their way, Harry rolling his eyes in fond. Eliza and I snickered. Next up was Harry.

"I'm Harry and he owns my dick, so." He pointed to Louis who put a hand to his chest.

"I'm honoured," he exclaimed in mock awe. There was one more person left.

"I'm Josh but I go by Jew and I'm not gay," he cleared. Kitten's friends snickered.

"Sure," they replied in unison, giggling afterwards. I felt a sudden chill and turned around, only to meet the eyes of the same figure who stood next to the door.

"Umm...what about her?" I questioned Kitten. The woman smiled.

"I'm just one hell of a butler."

There was complete silence for a full beat.

"That's Amy, my butler," Kitten cleared.

"And one more question," I went on, "are you Amaya or Kitten?" She froze for a split second before breaking out in a smile.

"I'm Kitten," she announced in a cutesy voice and manner. I nodded, deciding to not question her. Linsey decided to introduce herself.

"I'm Lindsey and I'm all the way from Maine." Our guests 'ooh'ed at her accent. She smiled. "I am multilingual and I ship those two doofs," she said, pointing to Louis and Harry. Kitten's friends applauded her and she smiled brightly, taking a seat. Bri was up.

"And last but definitely not least, is me," she began with confidence. "I'm Brianna and I'm all the way from Louisiana. I also ship the doofs," she joked. She was applauded and sat down.

"What now?" Harry asked.

"Party?" Louis suggested.

"No," I shot down, earning a few moans.

"How about movie night?" Lin suggested. Everyone looked to one another before shrugging. I smiled.

"Movie night it is!"

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