Chapter Seven

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It's been a while, I know and I apologize. Rough times, I've seen. Things will change. People will change. Mindsets will change. Keep this in mind. xx


Nikki's P.O.V

My world seemed to stop. Johannah Deakins is deceased. Jay is dead. I let out a shaky breath, silently listening to Louis sob over the phone. I could only manage to comprehend a few words as I strained to listen.

"...five minutes"

I couldn't believe it. I felt Eliza's arms tighten their grip around my waist.

"What's wrong, little one?" She whispered worriedly, her lips pressed against the side of my head. I struggled to breathe as tears began making their way down my face.

"I'll–I'll be right ov-ver, Louis," I whispered brokenly as I swiftly ended the call and scurried out of the treehouse and down the ladder, El hot on my trail as I sprinted out of the woods.

"Nikki, wait!!" She huffed behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to give a damn at the moment. I felt my lungs burn, but ignored the pain, too preoccupied. What should've been a half-hour walk, turned into a ten-minute run.

As we reached my doorstep, I frantically searched for my keys. As I fished them out, Eliza came to a stop, stuttering out a string of profanities as she panted, exhausted and out of breath. With unsteady hands, I managed to open the door after my fourth try and headed directly to my bedroom, ignoring the burning gazes from Harry, Eliza, Lindsey, Brianna, and the others.

As soon as I was within a five-foot radius of my bedroom door, I could distinctly hear the Louis' pitiful sounds of pain and misery. My heartstrings tugged as I opened the door.

"L-lou," I stuttered, my voice cracking as he threw himself into my arms, full on sobbing. I joined him barely seconds later.

Johannah was like a second mother to me. I told her everything that had ever happened to me, everything I'd experienced in my life. She was strong, my role model. I wanted to grow up just like her: Loving spouse, plenty of children, and making a living by improving the lives of others.

And now she's gone.

"Louis," I whispered as I cried into his feathery hair. My poor Donny boy...

I couldn't even begin to think of how much pain he must've been going through. With our arms still clinging onto each other for dear life, I kicked the door shut and led us to my bed. I cuddled into Louis as we settled ourselves in the bed, faces tracked with the trails of dried tears and sniffling nearly violently. We didn't dare speak a word, staring at one another blankly.

I wanted to reach out to him, but I didn't know what to say. This wasn't like all the other times in the past; I couldn't whip up some logical reasoning and let the earth continue its rotation on its axis. No, this was completely different.

I didn't understand this. I couldn't explain this.


I woke up the next day wrapped in Louis' arms and I didn't mind one bit. He was my best friend, and I needed him here now more than ever, and I knew he needed me too. I didn't move, just stared at him.

Last night had been a tough night; Louis would thrash through night terrors and I was there to shake him back to reality, fully equipped with support, love, and care. Neither of us really got any sleep, too busy contemplating the fairness of life and feeling numb.

I sighed. Louis didn't deserve this. He's gone through so much in life and I don't think he'd be able to handle this curveball; not alone, at least, and I could speak for everyone when I say no one would be leaving his side.

The morning was eerily quiet, I observed; when Louis woke up, it was with a silent flutter of his eyelashes. Not a yawn or a stretch. He looked so...hollow. I doubted I looked any better, but, in all do respect, he looked worse. I could understand; this is–was his mum we're talking about; it's not everyday that the person who birthed you is stolen away from this reality called life. I could only grieve with him and provide my deepest condolences. I had so many unanswered questions but I knew it best to keep silent. Louis sighed as he snuggled into me.

"I know," I cooed softly, feeling his pain in my entire being. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I commanded weakly. The door slowly opened, revealing Harry with a plate of steaming food and chilled fruits. I stole a quick glance to Louis, who had taken it open himself to bury his face in my chest, hiding away from the world.

"Come on, love," I urged gently, "you're hubby brought us food." He didn't budge. I sighed in exhaustion.

"Do it for us, boo. For mum," I worded carefully. His body tensed up before a rack of sobs shook is body I held him tightly, willing the hot tears prickling at my eyes to disappear. "I know, sweetie, it hurts," I consoled, rubbing his back soothingly.

"W-what did I do t-to deserve this?" He whimpered. I looked up to Harry a bit helplessly, knowing that Harry could work wonders with this child. He smiled sadly and nodded, motioning for me to make an exit. I swiftly made my way out of the room as the couple softly whispered to one another. I sighed and slowly made my way to my couch.

That's where I found Eliza, laying on my couch, fully dressed in yesterday's outfit and shoes still on, a light blanket draped over her shoulders as her figure shivered in her sleep. No one else was there, so I'd assumed they made their solemn exits hours ago.

With steady fingers and swiftness, I grabbed a thicker blanket out of my linen closet and tucked her in it, hearing her sigh contently as she drifted deeper into sleep. I smiled sadly as I walked away. At least one of us is happy.

I didn't disturb Harry and Louis, settling on a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I slowly dragged the spoon through the milk in the bowl.

Things need to get better and soon. I didn't like the feeling of how heavy my heart is and I just wanted to forget it all.

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