Chapter 17

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“What the hell Damon? There are two pizzas and you decided that you had to have a bite out of mine? What the hell is wrong with you? First you have to eat my pizza, and then you have to eat the same slice of pizza as me. I don’t want to eat pizza with you again if you’re always going to take my pizza.” I said, looking at the piece that was now missing a huge chunk. “You can have this piece, I don’t want it anymore. It has your slobber on it now and the countless man-whore disease that you have contracted.” I told him, holding it out to him.

“I don’t see the difference to that then when you kissed me.” Damon said with a smirk on his face. I blushed a bright red at the reminder of the times that we kissed and the way that my body reacted. Damn it, I didn’t want to remember that or do I? “That’s what I thought. Now eat the piece of pizza before I end up eating the whole two pizzas.” Damon said picking up his own slice.

“Pig.” I muttered before taking a bite out of the pizza, holding back the slight shiver that wanted to make its way through my body. He is right though, it isn’t any different to kissing him and if it did contain any of his numerous diseases, I would already have them. I thought to myself.

Chapter 17

After Damon and I both finished dinner which resulted with Damon deciding that he had to have a bite out of every slice I had spreading his man-whore diseases, I put the remaining slices onto a plate and ordered Damon to take the pizza boxes out to the bin which after whining and grumbling he decided to do. I took the chance to hop in the shower while he was busy so that I could lie down in bed and read and hopefully, stay as far away from him as I could.

Once I had closed the shower door and placed myself under the warm water, I heard Damon call my name out, asking me where I was. Sometimes I really worried about that boy. You would have thought he would have pieced together that I was in the shower being that the bathroom door was closed and the sound of running water could be heard. I didn’t bother to answer him putting my head under the water, deciding that the running water was an excuse not to hear him.

As I was washing my hair, Damon started knocking on the door. I ignored it washing out the shampoo. It only bothered me when his knocking became insistent. Did I lock the door before I came in here? I asked myself getting slightly worried that I would find myself in the same situation that was slowly starting to become regularity.

I was right to worry. The door opened a bit, enough to allow Damon access before he closed the door behind him. I stopped breathing. The thoughts, Not again, running through my head and also something else that I wasn’t going to look into at the moment.

“Damon!” I cried out. “Why must you keep doing this?” I asked him making sure to cover all of my womanly bits even though the shower door was blurry.

“Because it seems like the only way that I can get you to listen to me properly.” He said moving to the toilet and sitting down on the closed lid.

“Why do you think that I listen to you more while I’m in the shower? The only thing that I can really concentrate on is making sure that you don’t see anything that you shouldn’t even with the blurry glass.” I said to him in a tone that almost questioned his sanity.

“Well at least you can’t run away from me while you’re in the shower.” Damon said in response. I had to hand it to him, I couldn’t escape him now and I really did want to get away from him. So it was either, run out of the shower where he will see me naked for a few seconds before I can grab my towel and that’s if he hasn’t got a hold of it, trying to keep it from me or stay in the shower and wait for him to finish talking to me. Yeah, I think I’ll go with the latter. There is no way in hell that I am letting Damon see me naked at all!

It's Always the Brother's Best Friend (On hold for serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now