12 - Double Trouble

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Without a clock to tell the time, I felt lost, I had no idea how long I had been staring at the ceiling. Under strict rules, ordered by Xavier, to stay confined to my room it was maddening, almost comparable to solitary confinement.

Occasionally day dreaming took my mind off the reality of my situation but still; the feeling of hunger was very much real and wasn't easily ignored. It had to have been at least 5 o'clock by now, the clouds were beginning to adopt a crimson colour as the sun began to set. My stomach growled with anticipation of food, when I thought my situation couldn't worsen an appetising aroma of freshly baked pizza and other delicious food circled through the hallway air, entering through my open bedroom door and flooded my senses. A helpless whimper escaped my mouth, for that very smell cured my curiosity of the time. As the students began to fill the empty corridor, envy consumed me; I wanted to be walking down that corridor, able to get food.

Eventually the rush of mutants had ceased; leaving the hallway in its quiet state until familiar voices echoed; the most conspicuous belonged to Francesco. Despite my growing hatred for him, I ignored him, the smell of food accumulated in the air again travelling into my room. I sat up perched and ready, awaiting the arrival of the others. Rose entered first, two plates filled with pizza slices. My tongue ran over my lips, wetting them slightly, and watching Rose with hungry eyes as she took a place beside me and passed the plate over. It took little to no time for me to begin to devour my food; in fact it was a few seconds before I finished the first slice. I hastily moved on to the second until I stopped. I couldn't help but to notice Rose's mused stare, in my best efforts to ignore and fulfil my hunger I couldn't. I sighed harshly in the midst of setting my plate aside, "What's the matter?" I ask agitated, she didn't hear me; I clicked my finger in front of her face effectively snapping her back, "What's the matter?" I repeated, she blinked a few,

"Well, earlier I was walking past Xavier's study and I overheard him talking with Magneto about us, especially you." She said sheepishly, I furrowed my brows, gesturing for her to keep going, "They were talking about the attack-"

"To be honest, Rose, I could careless what they had to say about us. Skip to the part about me." I snap.

"Oh, um, he mentioned something about your dreams and Spiritus."

I knew Xavier was hiding something from me, that time I asked him about Spiritus he completely ignored my question. There's obviously something he doesn't want me to know about her. "If that's all you heard," I say looking up, catching her eye, "We need to hear more. Xavier's keeping secrets from all of us. To be quite honest with you, I don't care about what he's keeping from you guys. But, he's keeping something from me that concerns me and I need to find out what that something is." I express.

For a moment she watched me then suddenly her face lit up, like an idea had struck, and replacing that innocent look, a devious smirk formed onto her thin lips, "I think that we should all go during the night, when the adults are asleep, and try to find some answers. We'll go in pairs after we've been assigned designated areas and then yeah, our questions would be solved." I sat there bewildered by her sudden plan and a little amazed with her brilliant plan, a plan that I would come up with. Maybe she wasn't as innocent as we all thought she was, "Alexis?"

I snapped back from my daze, "Yeah, no, I just can't believe you came up with such a brilliant plan, I mean, I think I'm starting to rub off on you." I smirk; she blushes a dark crimson,

"Anyway, can we pair together? Like to say I'm sorry for leaving you to share a room with Astrin?"

"What are we in, Primary school?" I laugh,

"Last time I checked you were in Primary school."

"Actually, I'm smarter than I let on; I skipped two years in school. I'm actually in Year 7." I retort back playfully, "But yeah, as long as you promise." I shrug and resume back to my pizza.

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