5 - You Think You Have A Condition

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~○Alexis's POV○~

It's been 3 weeks since Xavier gave me my nickname and it's stuck. But it's fitting. The days went by fast but everyday I woke up wondering, whether I'd discover a new gift or an advanced ability with the ones I already had. My abilities were still far from being controlled and Xavier's research was far from complete on why I have more than one mutant gift.

I sat there motionless. Wires connected to nearly everything. Small shock waves pulsed through my body trying to trigger something but nothing happened, Xavier strengthened the shock wave, a weird sensation ran across my bones, like I could feel the electricity travelling through my body.

"Alexis, think back two weeks ago...what caused the claws?"

My mind casted back. The screams of fright echoed through my head, the image of the school body running for their lives. The cold, harsh tone my mum used replayed over in my head...how they both wanted to get rid of me.

I closed my eyes trying to focus on that day hard. "Before the claws, my arms ignited at school...all I remember is...screaming...running...and being yelled at by my parents." I sniffled, jerking my head; wiping the tears on my forearm, "And then my house set alight...a-and Magneto and Mystique took me here..."

I gently lifted my hand, wiping under my eyes before opening them. Life was just starting to get difficult and I haven't even got to my teenage years yet. I took a deep breath and turned and looked at the monitor before glancing at Xavier, "Found anything yet?..." I breathed, watching the graph lines peak, "What are you measuring anyway?"

"What emotion triggers each mutant ability and it seems like all of them..." he said in deep thought, I furrowed my eyebrows together. "You're just unstable, I've never seen anything like it..." I had no idea what he was talking about, his eyes finally met mine, they were full of concern but hope as well, "For all we know you could lose a mutant gift rather than gain, but time will tell."


I smiled nervously, before I heard the padding of footsteps enter the room. I rolled my head to the side, Mystique standing there with a displeased look on her face, her unnatural eyes looked darkened through my shades, "Magneto thought I could take you to the local mall." her voice bored and sounded forced.

"I, uh, okay?" I murmured, I carefully disconnected the wires and hopped of the table.

I awkwardly grabbed my grey hoodie off the sofa. Mystique watching my every move, she really didn't want to go. "Magneto and I will be in the car waiting." I flashed Xavier a wave before following her, almost breaking out into a run.

A chilling wind blew outside, I hurriedly climbed into the car, sliding in the back seat and closed the door shut, I rubbed my hands together in attempts to warm them. "Hazard?" My eyes flicked up to the rear view mirror, making eye contact with Magneto's, "Mystique is going to buy your essentials from the mall."

"Uh, okay..." I quickly diverted my eyes to outside, having made eye contact too long.

I watched Mystique blend in with the crowd of people, taking the form of a young female, in the shop. Nobody even noticed her or suspected a thing. She grabbed a few set's of clothes, putting them up against me, checking if they'd fit. A small smile of happiness stretched across my face, this was all I wanted in a mother.

Not one who'd repeatedly inform that my existence was purely accidental.

My brain was still trying to get over the concept that everything happened at one moment and it's irreversible. But my heart wasn't feeling one part of regret or sorrow.

I sighed, accepting everything was going to be different from now on. My attention was drawn to the children laughing outside the shop. I watched them look like a happy family, as if they were trying to mock me for what I didn't have.

"Alexis..." A calming voice called, pulling me out of my envy watch. "You don't need that..." My head was turned to look at Mystique, her eyes had soften and weren't so harsh. "Go wait outside the shop. I'll be there in a minute." Her hand dropped from my chin, I nodded and followed her instruction.

"Whoops, sorry..." I quickly scrambled up before dusting myself, the hooded figure flashed me an apologetic wave before taking off. I saw a flash of pink as she looked back for a brief second. "Uh, wait!" I called running after her. Weaving in and out of people, chasing after this figure, strands of white hair flared from beneath the hood.

The figure slipped out of a door, I followed, running behind the mall. I skidded to a stop, the figure had disappeared. "Hello?" I called out, silence. The only sound was of the wind blowing against the building. I pulled my jacket on further, attempts to keep myself from freezing. I began to wonder around, seeing nothing but rubbish bags. "Hello?" I called again.

"Why did you follow me out here?" A female voice made me jump, except I couldn't figure out where it came from.

"I, uh, I was just curious..." I mumbled, "Can you show yourself?" I tentatively asked.

"Why?" She questioned sharply, "So you can ridicule me?"

"No, I just wanted to see if you're alright? You kind of just took off with no explanation." I shrugged, "I t-thought you were hurt that's all." I stuttered, playing with my thumbs.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Uh, okay..."

"Why were you wearing shades inside and out here when the sun's not even out?"

I laughed a little, "I have a...condition if you will."

A gust of wind surrounded me, scrap pieces of paper flew causing me to shield my face with my arm. The force of the wind almost knocked me over, "You think you have a condition?" She chuckled, I removed my arm from my face and my jaw dropped...

A.N: Hahha Cliffhanger!! Anywho new character!! All rights go to @sweetylover123 for this new amazing character that's coming soon!

Sorry for the late update but my wifi decided to cut itself off so yeah but here is a long update!!

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