20 - Mind Over Matter Pt. 2

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A dark abyss gradually materialises around our seven figures; enshrouding us in thick forestry, every ounce of light that once was, now swallowed; leaving us to fend for ourselves in a pit of simulated shrubbery.

My limbs unable to generate movement, my body frozen by nerves.

The seven of us lined side-by-side; unsure of where to go from here.

You can get hurt in a simulation. It is not simulated pain, it is real pain. You can die in a simulation...

Logan's words ring harshly in my mind, resounding louder as I come to terms with the reality.

The reality of the situation instigates nerves to induce sickness for the main fact that surviving was the top priority at this moment in time, yet we're the most dysfunctional group going. Aside from that, our very surroundings pose a risk, we stand oblivious to the contents of our surroundings, the darkness so aphotic, I cannot see my feet let alone the person next to me.

Though by scent it was obvious.

Pyro to my left, he emits a hint of a burning wood smell. While Astrin, to my right, merely smells of expensive cologne. It eases my nerves, to an extent. I felt somewhat comfortable knowing they were both in arm's length, should something come to happen.

A blood curdling scream emanates from Rose, piercing the silence; startling the group. Immediately a shiver shoots down my spine, the hairs stand upon my skin and my hands instinctively latch onto both Pyro's and Astrin's. Deep breaths are endured; attempting to soothe the erratic nature of my beating heart.

Compromised between the two boys, it was near to impossible to sneak a look at what induced such a scream, not that there was any immediate urgency to do so but nonetheless, a miniscule amount of curiosity brewed. Astrin, fearlessly inches forward; concaving our make shift chain. The leaves beneath our feet rustle, 'til Rose is in our sights. Her form frozen with her arm outstretched; pointing into the abyss.

My eyes warily follow, dreading to see something I didn't want to. I braved a look and as a simple as that, my breath hitched. My throat closes while any attempt to regulate my heart beat was thwarted. In the distant, amongst the gaps within the trees, a turquoise-green illuminates its surroundings. My blood courses cold; my body unwillingly stuck in place.

The figure was somewhat low to the ground, prowling – rendered impossibly human. A species of animal more like. An animal with a neon coloured mouth with rows upon rows of teeth that could rip through anything. The thought was rightfully unnerving. The distance between us and the thing was by no means more than ten steps – too close for my liking. It stalks closer, before oodly stopping.

"C-can someone do something please?" Bobby enquires in a hushed tone.

"Do what?" Jordan snaps. "We're surrounded."

I close my eyes.

It is somewhat comforting to not see what was transpiring around me. Though everything was very much real, if you put it to the side and attempt to forget about it, nerves are seemingly eased. Mind over matter, right?

"One..." Astrin mumbles. My eyes snap open. The grip around my hand tightens, on the verge of painful. "Two..." He utters. The countdown was beginning to make sense; in turn, I firmly hold Pyro's hand.

"Get ready..." I murmur in Pyro's direction. The head to his lighter flicks, an ember dimly illumines the darkness. I swallow hard out of mere anticipation of the third count.

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