21 - Princess

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The plan involved predisposing us to those things outside. It left Rose to scope the air, in search of Rogue within the trees, delegating the five of us to follow on foot. Both Pyro and I, flames in hand; lighting our way through while a trail of ice follows behind, a makeshift waypoint if a return to the shelter was necessary. The plan by no means was safe, we could barely see what lurks in our surroundings let alone defend ourselves. I haven't felt this on-edge in a long time, it was quite an experience.

"Guys," Rose calls from above. We pause; our presences situated beside a large oak tree I presume. "I've found her, she's in the tree- ah!"

"Rose!" Jordan exclaims, while he watches his winged beau fall from the sky.

Her fall disturbs the silent nature of the forest. Branch after branch snapping upon contact; leaves rustling violently, neither slowing her velocity. Alarm and widespread panic swept over the five of us, at this point it was up to Jordan or Bobby to rectify the situation. She was falling from a height; with increased speed and I've never felt so useless.

"I've got you."

Her body frozen in mid-air, at fault of telekinesis. Her wing, slashed at; the cause of her pain.

"Watch out!" She screams, gradually being lowered by Jordan.

Flames upon flames were shot at the emerging beast soaring through the air. No doubt the one that got at Rose's wing. The fur catches alight, crackling as it burns to the point of charred. It was an ugly thing, blacker than black, something that appeared in your childhood nightmares. My face screws in the slightest while Pyro stands breathless, I could only commend him on behalf of the group. This whole experience was beginning to become tedious, I possess no drive nor motivation to continue; by our slow reactions, it could only infer that the feeling was mutual.

"There's more coming!"

They come running, by the groan that came from Astrin, the sight only posed as an irritant opposed to a threat.

"It's about to get hot..."

From the depths of my core I channel my inner gene. I take the deepest of breaths; grunting as I raise my hands, manipulating the remaining embers from the singed corpse. Out of brute strength, a wall of fire was established; encircling us. But by no means sustainable. The embers roaring high and mighty but the upkeep of intensity was indefinite.

My teeth grit, my eyes snap shut, merely to maintain focus. Despite Logan's words, fire was the most effective. It gave us a means of defence and offence. I couldn't deny the delight derived from being able to set something alight again, after years and years of suppressing my full potential, it brought satisfaction to witness something burn to this degree. Some may argue the love of destructive was borderline psychotic but I can't dispute the reality.

"They're jumping from the trees!"

Not what I want to be hearing right now.

"Hazard, raise the wall." Astrin hisses upon latching onto my hand; hissing in pain.

My eyes reopen, watching everything we had being launched: fire; arrows; ice; lava.


Beads of sweat trickle down the side of my face.

I close my eyes; foot lunged forwards.

I feel it rise, rippling through my being. A sensation returning accompanied with a sense of deja vu.

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