15 - The Addition Pt.1

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~ Rose's POV * 6 years later *~

Technology surrounding us began to malfunction as she stands, unresponsive as I profusely shake her shoulder; attempting to relieve her of the unmistakable troubled state that had consumed her. With no prevail, the panic within had surfaced. I fetch Scott, confronting him with the problem at hand. Still, she stands impassive to the beckoning of her name. His calls; pleads for her to wake from her trance had become futile until, he laid a hand on her cheek from which she was awoken from her daze with no recollection of what had just transpired.

She performed an elusive smile; fooling only the most senseless of people. Scott had fallen for her lie, believing that she truly was okay, he left with a kiss to her cheek. I, however, stand my ground. I wait for him to be out of earshot, "What was that?" I ask.

She sighs. "My telepathy has been a little off. I can hear everything-" Her remaining words swallowed by her abrupt silence. I raised an eyebrow; before the questionable words could slip my mouth, her finger had motioned to stay quiet. Her eyes flutter shut. Her fore and middle finger placed against her temple as her eyebrows began to furrow with incoherent words fumbling from her slightly ajar lips. The silence. The thought of what was to be revealed instigated my nerves to fluctuate; then suddenly, her eyes snap open. "I've found them."

Three words left me confused and compelled unanswered questions to be conjured. I hastily pulled my hood over my head and kept my head down. The public was already in the process of devising a path in which Jean had caused. I hurriedly follow, borderline jogging after her until she stops metres from the food court. I stand breathless; waiting for my breathing to return to its relatively normal state before, "Why?" I breathe...

~ Alexis' POV * days before *~

Chills cascade down my spine; goose bumps coat my skin. His stares, inducing the upmost discomfort; forcing my body to squirm involuntarily. The mysterious man sat afar. I daren't take another look for the fact I didn't want to cause a scene. Instead I stare solemnly at the remaining WKD that sits barely touched in my glass. I swindle the liquid; gazing upon the swirling substance in desire to lead my mind astray. The guys soon returned to our table. A bottle each in hand, though their laughter hastily subdued at my sombre expression, a shared frown consequently crossed their lips. It wasn't my objective to spoil their night nor that it was my intention, being that it's Astrin's 20th birthday, I couldn't possibly hinder their fun but the reoccurring question of: 'Are you okay?' Arose once more.

There was only so many times you can reiterate the word 'yes' supplemented with an evasive smile before someone would see through the phony act to deceive those around you; neither seemed to be believing it this time round. Both of them drew up a chair, seating themselves comfortably and gazed at me attentively until I revealed what - rather who - had put me into a state of distress. They both visibly tensed. Both ready to take the matter into their own hands. Their chairs retract harshly against the wooden floor; out of instinct, I took hold of their wrists and sat them down gently, "Don't worry about it." I murmur, their hardened faces foreshadowing the events that I had envisioned, "If he decides to come over then you two can do something. Okay?" I spoke slowly.

"I'm not going to allow him to stare at you!" Pyro exclaims; attracting the attention of a few.

"All I'm saying is whenever we confront someone in public we always have to run - now, I'd rather opt out on that unnecessary exercise, so can we just sit here and pretend we're normal?" I plead, "And it's also Astrin's birthday dinner at least sit and pretend we're normal for a little while? At least let the trouble come to us for once-"

It was as if my hypothetical words were a cue. A girl stumbles over. Her disorientation conveying the idea that she was slightly intoxicated. She staggered into Astrin; latching onto his arm to steady herself. I could only wish to take my words back. The lust that coalesced with hunger within her eyes disclosed her unspoken words; divulging her obvious intentions. I side eyed her; trusting my instinct that her presence could only be inferred as trouble. "How about you two come and sit with us at the bar?" She purred. While my eyes narrowed I couldn't conclude whether she was being ignorant in the sense that she was purposely ignoring my presence or just simply unaware of my occupancy at our table.

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