Chapter 17

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And anyone else who contributed to and commented on the Author's Note. Let me know if I missed your name.

Liam's POV

I rocked on my heels, watching Noah cradle our son in his arms while his eyes scanned me carefully. His eyes moved down to the baby, happiness and adoration filling them. Swallowing, I looked around awkwardly. "... Liam... I-"

The door burst open, startling us both. Daniel and the doctor looked between us. "What is it?" Noah asked, holding the baby closer.

Daniel swallowed. "Liam... It's your mother."


I rushed through he hall, Noah stumbling against me, baby in hand. I had insisted he stay in bed, but he refused. "It's my fault she's here. I'm going with you."

My heart hammered in my chest as we hurried down the hall. "Your mother. She got into an accident, rushing here to see Noah after she heard about the baby."

Thousands of questions ran through my mind. Is she okay? How bad is it? Will she live? Am I going to lose her? My blood froze, my spine stiffening. Swallowing, I shook my head. She's tough. She'll live, she has to.

When we arrived at the room, I burst through the door. "Mom!!"

My mother looked up, smiling widely. "Liam! How are you?"

"Forget me, how are you?!!"

She waved me away with her hand. "Oh, you know, a brusie here, a broken leg there."

My eyes wandered to her legs and I gasped. Her right leg was in a cast, her toes swollen and the exposed part of her foot red. I moved closer, taking her hand. She watched me carefully before patting my cheek with her other hand. "Silly boy. It'll take a lot more than that to kill me." She winked. "Now! Let me see my grandchild!" She stretched her hands out to Noah, who moved closer and handed her the small boy.

My mother cooed and awed over the bundle, pulling and shaking his small hands and covering his face with kisses. Noah stood next to me, both of us smiling and beaming with pride. Suddenly, mother turned to us. "So?"

"... So. . What?" I asked.

Mother scowled. "What's his name, for God's sake!"

We all fell silent. "We... Haven't decided yet." Noah said.

Mother's scowl deepened. "I mean, you only had nine months to choose." She muttered. "Well what are you supposed to call him? 'You'? 'Boy'? 'That'?"

I scowled back. "Why don't you name him?"

Mother nodded. "Thank you, I will."

While she thought, I looked at Noah. "I'm sorry, I-"

He shook his head. "It's fine. Not like I had a name ready." He smiled. "Besides, I think it'll be nice."

Mother exclaimed. "Hunter!"

"Hunter?" Noah asked

Mother nodded. "Hunter. My husband's name, Liam's middle name.'

Noah smiled. "Hunter. I like it.'

Mother gave a curt nod and went back to cooing at Hunter. As she played, her smile widened as Hunter babbled at her mindlessly. "And... The middle name?" The doctor spoke up from the back of the room.

"Andrew." Noah said immediately.

Everyone looked at him, causing him to blush. "My brother's name. He was the only one who was really okay with me liking men."

I came over, putting my hand around his waist and smiling. "Hunter Andrew Prince. I like it. A lot."

Everyone gave murmurs of agreement before the doctor disappeared to get the name written down and registered. By then, Daniel had decided to head home after a final congrats, and Dakota had already disappeared to who-knows-where.

I'd been allowed to stay the night, considering two of my family members were at the hospital as patients. They even moved Noah's room next to my mother's.


"So, have you made up yet?" My mother asked, watching Noah cradle Hunter.

He looked up, peeking at me from behind his hair. I gave him a small, hopeful look before he turned to my mother. "I... I'd like to think so." He said. "After all, we're a family now, yes?"

My mother gave a wide smile. "Absolutely! And if you ever want to let little Hunter come live with me, I'm always available."

"Are you trying to babysit or take custody?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Mother shrugged. "Either's fine with me!"

We all laughed, before I finally glanced at the clock and stood. "Okay, all mothers and newborn babies have to go to bed now."

Noah looked at me. "Isn't that everyone in the room?"

"Ha ha. Come on, I'll help you back."

Noah took Hunter and allowed me to help him waddle back to his room and lay him on the bed. After putting Hunter to sleep, I came over to Noah and leaned down, planting a kiss on his lips. "... I love you, Noah."

He blushed and smiled. "Yeah... Me too."

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