Chapter 16

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Liam's POV

I sat, stiff and quiet, my heart racing as I listened to Noah's pained cries behind the door in front of me. It's been four hours already, where is the baby?!

"You know, it's not like you can just poof out a baby," Daniel said. "It takes time."

Dakota nodded next to him, her eyes filled with amusement. "I wish they'd 'poof' it out," I muttered. "It's already been forever!"

"If this is how you handle the birth, I can't wait to see how you handle fatherhood."

My head shot up, worry suddenly shooting though me. "If I even get to be a father. Noah still hasn't forgiven me. I mean, he was going to say something before he started his contractions. For all I know, he could've been telling me to go castrate myself."

"Well, anything would make you look better than you do now." Daniel offered.

"Not. Helping." I growled.

Several nurses exited the room, each carrying a handful of supplies. The last one to exit was carrying bloodied rags. Fear shot through me. What if... What if Noah doesn't make it? What-

A hand pushed on my shoulder, gripping it tight. Daniel looked at me, his expression serious. "Don't think like that. He will make it."

Swallowing, I looked down. "Yeah... Yes... He'll live. I know he will."

Daniel nodded, letting go just as a loud scream of pain echoed out. My body stiffened, and I stood only to have Dakota shove me down. "Calm down. Don't you know how strong Noah is?"

I nodded. Noah is strong. I loved that about him. Another cry pierced the air and I sighed, putting my face in my hands.


Another three hours passed before a nurse came out and approached us. She smiled at us, putting her hands in front of her. "Who's the father?"

My heart skipped a beat. Father. Does that mean... "He is." Daniel snapped me out of my daze, jerking a thumb towards me. The nurse turned her gaze to me.

"Ah, of course. Would you like to come in?"

I shot up, nodding. She led me to the door before turning and putting her finger to her lips. "The mother is asleep, but you can see the infant."

Opening the door, I peeked in, only to get pushed in by the nurse. The door shut behind me and I awkwardly shoved my hands into my pockets.

Noah lay in the bed, his chest rising and falling slowly. I moved my eyes down to his stomach; his noticably flat stomach. Inhaling, I turned, noticing the doctor who stood in the room. He smiled. "Hello, are you the father?"

I nodded and he turned, gesturing a small bed behind him. I came over, leaning into the crib and gasping. A small baby was fast asleep. An adorably tiny baby. I looked at the doctor, but he shrugged. "It's your child, yes?"

The small baby warmed my arms, and I loved the feeling of holding them. "It's a boy."

I smiled, clutching the small boy. His eyes opened slightly and I smiled at the baby, only for him to let out a loud wail. Surprised, I looked around helplessly. "Here, give me the baby."

I turned to the voice, looking at Noah. He held out his arms and I handed him the child, watching as he cooed and shushed, rocking the baby back into his sleep. It took a few minutes, but soon enough the child was sleeping in his arms.

Swallowing, I watched the doctor leave before turning to Noah and asking the question that had haunted me since the party. "Do you... Can I... Do you forgive me?"

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