Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

I screwed up. I got jealous of Daniel and ended up hurting Noah. Now he won't even look at me. He only talks when absolutely necessary, and even then he replies in short, choppy sentences.

But, I don't regret kissing him. It made my mind go numb with pleasure, and warmed my body. It reminded me of that night, the small boy in my arms. There's no way that was Noah, right? I'm absolutely sure I used protection. Or, maybe I didn't... Was that a possibility? Is Noah the boy I longed for? Am I the father?

I desperately wanted to ask him these questions, and settle my feelings, but Noah never seemed to have any free time. He showed up on time, never early. He left before I did, and was never available during lunch. All together, it put me in a foul mood. What didn't help, was that I knew he was spending all his time with Daniel.

I would occasionally find them hanging out, Noah laughing as Daniel talked, their faces free of worry. It bugged me, really. If Daniel wasn't the father, why was he so close to Noah? If I happen to be the father, why is Noah avoiding me?

When I decided to confront him, his face flushed, his arm wrapped protectively around his stomach. Before I could speak, Daniel stepped in. Instead, I decided to interrogate Daniel. I locked him in my office, watching as he spoke. "Anything wrong, Liam?"

"Yeah, why is my secretary avoiding me? What exactly did you say to him?" Daniel seemed to see where I was heading with the conversation. "Well, it's not what I said, it's how he reacted, isn't it? I didn't tell him to avoid you per se... But he did seem affected by the information I gave him."

"And what information did you give him?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just reminded him of who the father was." I froze, analysing his words. "Then... I'm the father?"

"No." Daniel spoke swiftly, his face holding no emotion. I felt my hopes drop. Somehow, I suppose I was hoping I was the father. To have a family was a new thing for me, but it would please my mother. And if Noah was the boy I'd been looking for, it's two birds with one stone, isn't it?

Daniel scanned my face, giving a shrug. "If that's all you wanted..." I nodded towards him, allowing him to leave me alone with my thoughts.

Daniel's POV

I left the office in a hurry. He's catching on quickly. I almost revealed the one thing Noah entrusted to me to keep a secret. If he keeps on like this, there's no telling what I'll say.

I feel bad for lying to Liam, but I have to understand what Noah's going through. He's the pregnant one, after all. And as far as he's let on, I'm the only other one who knows who the father is. I always see myself as a reliable person, and not one to let someone down. That's why keeping such a secret from the person who deserves to know is pretty hard. He's the father after all. Isn't he?

Noah was waiting for me outside the office, a weird look on his face. His abnormally pale face. "Hey, are you okay?" He turned to me, his eyes looking bloodshot. "I'm... Fine... But, I think I... Messed up..." His voice was slurred, and my worry skyrocketed. "Hey, I think we should get you to a-"

"I pushed him away!!" Noah fell into my arms, cutting off my sentence. "What?"

"He tried to confront me, and... I yelled at him. He kissed me and I told him to 'go find a woman.' I was too afraid to face him after that. What do I do? It's not like I can just tell him now!" I sighed. "Noah, if it's taking this sort of toll on you, shouldn't you just tell him? This secret is not worth your concern, or your health. Think of the child. Your child. Liam's child. He deserves to know! He's the reason you're​ even with child to begin with!"

Noah was silent, and I assumed he was thinking through my words. That is, until I was sure he wasn't moving either. Pulling away from him, I gasped. His pale form was unmoving, his breaths shallow and his eyes dark. "Hey, Noah? Noah?! Noah!!"

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