Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

"What are we gonna name it? Are you gonna move in with me? What are we going to tell my mother? Do you want to sit down? Are you sure you should be at work today?"

I could tell Noah was at his wits end as I bombarded him with questions, but I couldn't help it. I'm going to be a father! I'm going to have a family, and best of all, I get to have it with Noah! Of course I'd be worried. He collapsed due to malnutrition, and I'm not going to let it happen again.

"Liam, look, I know you're excited an all, but... Please, don't overdo it. I really need it to be quiet right now. I'm trying to work, and your questioning me and my being pregnant aren't helping."

I sighed, stepping away and allowing him room to continue. While he worked, I stepped out of the office, planning on telling my mother the news.

I had wanted Noah to come with me, but he refused, claiming that I should be the one to say it. After all, she's been wanting me to come over, since she's trying to set me up with a woman. Better to end the marriage meetings and satisfy my mother in one go.

Arriving at her penthouse, I opened the door to see her running about, preparing various pots and plates. "Liam! You're here! Do come in." I smiled slightly. My mother was hectic as usual.

I stepped over the threshold, entering the warm, familiar room. A wonderful smell wafted through the air, and I was alerted to my mother's delicious cooking. The table had been set for two, and my mother set the last plate down as I sat down.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about? You would never come to have lunch with me otherwise."

"... I wanted to talk to you about the marriage meetings." My mother's eyes widened. "Did you find someone?! Who is she?! When's the wedding?!"

"Mother, calm down. I did find someone, but it wasn't any of the people you recommended. And, besides that, I may or may not have... Knocked them up?" Silence followed as my mother registered my words. "Knocked...? Pregnant? A grandchild?" I nodded, waiting as her pale face broke into a grin.

"Oh! Who is she!? I must meet her, please, tell me you brought her with you!" My mother stood, and I pushed her back down. "No, I didn't bring him with me."

"Him? A male?" Once more, I nodded. "Well, then, you'll have to bring him over for dinner tomorrow. I won't take 'no' for an answer. But, at least tell me his name." I hesitated. What would she say about me bedding Noah? In the end, I decided to just tell her. "It's... Noah." My mother blinked. "Noah?"

The smile that appeared on her face after that was the biggest I'd ever seen. "Really?! You simply must tell me everything! What are you waiting for!? Get Noah over here now!"


Noah stood in the doorway, his pale face flushed with a wondeful red. It made my body heat up, and I would have taken him had we not been in my mother's foyer. "What was so urgent you had to call me over here for?!" He whisper-shouted. "Noah!" My mother walked in, her outstretched arms capturing the stiffened Noah in a hug.

She spoke rapidly, touching his stomach all the while. "Have you decided what to name it? What about the gender? Are you going to be living together?" We all went silent at the last one. I glanced at Noah. Would we be living together? I mean, it is our child. Shouldn't we give it a proper family? Besides, I am not going to let Noah go. Not again.

Noah continued to avoid all of our stares, rubbing his stomach absentmindedly. "Well, that's... Undecided." He finally decided to say. My heart dropped, but my hope refused to fall. I will have him.

My mother huffed. "That won't do! You're a couple! You should at least cohabit, shouldn't you?" Noah's face blushed profoundly, his eyes darting to the floor. Even I had to admit she had a blatant way of saying things. "Mother!" She shrugged, heading back into the kitchen.

I took Noah's arm, guiding him to the kitchen and helping him into a chair. There was next to no conversation while we ate, only the clattering of dishes and silverware making noise. I glanced up at Noah every once in a while, taking in his pale face and tired eyes. He's been working too hard. He needs rest. I looked to my mother and she nodded, understanding the situation. She may not be the best at conversation, but she knows how and when someone need to be taken care of.

"Noah, darling, why don't you stay here for a few days? I'd like to get to know my new future son-in-law." Noah began to shake his head. "No, I couldn't. I still have to unpack at my own house and-"

"Unpack?" I asked questioningly.

"Oh? Didn't you know? Noah here just recently moved the city. Got himself a new home - for his new family." I grit my teeth, forcing a smile. Is that why he wouldn't live with me? I mean, moving into my house when he just got a new one would be a hassle, but wouldn't it be better to have a bigger home?

"Bigger doesn't always mean better," Noah muttered. I mentally slapped myself for saying that out loud. Noah pushed back his chair, waddling to the door. "Thank you for the meal. I'll take my leave now." My worry kicked in as I pulled him back. "Noah! Please, just for a few days? I'm worried. You don't look so good. Shouldn't your doctor have told you not to work so hard? Think of the baby." He bit his lip, looking at his round stomach. "...... Okay. Just for a few days."

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