Chapter 13

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Liam's POV

I slumped over in my chair, oblivious to the stack of papers on my desk. I frowned in annoyance, the silence almost deafening. I missed Noah. Not only his strict demeanor during work, but the quiet and shy side only I knew of. The way he would unconsciously rub his stomach to distract himself, or the way he'd bite his lip when he was nervous.

Where is he?! My mother won't tell me anything, and Daniel isn't any help either. He'll just avoid my calls. I know he's hiding something. It's either Noah, or something related to Noah. Either way, I have to know what it is and why he's hiding it.

The phone rang, startling me out of my thoughts. I picked it up roughly, putting the phone to my ear. "What?"

"Is that any way to greet your mother?"

I mentally slapped myself. "Mom... What a surprise!"

"Surprise? I told you I would call you." I could hear her frown through the phone.

Sighing, I nodded. "Yeah, you did. What's up?"

"'What's up?'! Have you heard anything from Noah?" Her voice was a bit taunting, causing me to growl.

"Of course not!! I've been waiting for you to tell me something, but you decided to withhold the information that would help me find him!! What kind of mother are you?"

The line was silent, and I was afraid she'd hung up. Finally, her voice came out in a small whisper at the other end. "Maybe you should ask your friend Daniel."

I slammed down the phone, not even waiting for her to say anything else. I got up, marching to the window and pulling out my cell. I punched in Daniel's number and waited for him to pick up. I had to dial and redial several times before he picked up. "H-hello?"

"Where is he." I asked, my voice low and dangerous.

I could hear him swallow, and he could imagine the fear on his face.

"W-where is who?" He replied shakily.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about. Where. Is. Noah?!"

The line went silent as I fumed. I waited, not hearing the receiver click giving me a little hope. There was a hushed whispering, followed by a shuffling sound as the phone was passed on to someone else. "Hello?" Dakota's soft, seductive voice came on. I mentally groaned. "... Dakota... Is Noah there?"

"Noah? What makes you think he's here?"

"Well my mother-"

"Was obviously lying to get out of the conversation. Listen, I'm having a party tonight at my house. Wanna come?"

I almost refused, but this was the perfect chance to see if Noah was really at Daniel's house. Of course, that meant I'd also have to face Dakota, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. I just have to see Noah again, whether he wants to or not. I need to know why he's so adamant about avoiding me. It's my child, after all. I should have some right to the child, and I should be able to see them, unborn or not. I looked down at the floor, speaking to Dakota. "... Okay. I'll see you to tonight."

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