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When I woke up I was surprised to see the amount of blood. Whose blood was it?

I looked around everyone was rubbing their heads or checking out cuts or bruises they got.

The first was clearly over and we were relaxed now. All except Gar.

I walked over to him.

"What's up."

There was a puddle of puke next to him.

"I saw it all." He said.

"What what?" Asked Jaime.

"Death and a man's gust got all over me. "

"That's nasty," said Jamie.

"Wait who died?" Asked Tara supporting Dick.

As they walked over. Well tara walked Nightwing limped.

Gar didn't answer. He just pointed.

Amed followed his gaze to a black lump on the floor.

We all ran to all who t was. Gar knew but no one else did till she saw the body.

I covered my mouth and tears started to roll down my face.

I kneeled down next to him. And tuned him over.

"You can fix him? Right?" Asked dick.

I was speechless. I just shook my head no.

"You can't fix him? You did it before?" Said Jamie.

"It has to be a recent killing. His soul is no longer on earth. "

Dick plopped down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"No one was closer to him than you Raven we are here for you."

Everyone put their hand on me. I shook them all off." I just want to give him a proper barrel. "

Beast boy tunnel into a horse and dick placed Damian on his back.

I opened a portal and let everyone go first. Then I closed it.

I reopened another portal somewhere else.

It led to the pier.


When o got there I heard screaming. I ran in to see this black-haired kid in a smock next to Starfire.

I knew she was pregnant but I didn't know she would have the baby this soon.

Usually 9 months. It was more like 3 days!

"Push." Said the black-haired kid.

I Damian down on a bed and hoped to Starfire's side and took her hand.

She squeezed it hard but didn't break it.

One by one and the kids burst into the eh room wondering what was going on I had to tell them to wait outside.


If Starfire is having a baby does this mean that grandson and she are going to be on baby duty? What about the teen Titans.

I am not a fan of Robin running the place if he was still alive.


I didn't relay know him. The real him. I knew his background that shows a person but it doesn't tell you the whole story.

I still had a lot to learn about him and him about me.

I act like I'm tough but really I wanted someone to understand.

I forced others to feel my pain physically. But inside it hurts me as much as them.

Damian tough me to be open to others. I have just been a summing that Poole doesn't know how I feel.

But maybe it's time to open up the gates and let people see the real me before it's too late.

Beast boy

I couldn't believe it. Starfire is prego with an eggo. Oh, that's good I'm going to snap that. I went off to the couch and pulled out my phone.

The second latter Dick and Stafire came out with a baby and then a black-haired kid about my age.

I took a pick of the baby and posed it.

I heard a gasp then a cough.

We all looked towards the medical bay.

Damian shot up. It was hard to believe but I saw both life and death on the same day.


I wanted in like for the Farris wheel. Thinking. This is the first ride I went on with Damian. This place is where it all started. The first day we meet we all came here.

I got on and looked out the window. I pictured Damian. His jet black hair and green eyes. But instead of his usual smirk of a frown, he had a smile.

Not one of those fake smiles you do in class photos but a genuine smile.

I know it's only my imagination. But it was still nice to picture it.

I got a Snapchat update and looked at my phone.

It was from a beast boy.

"Looked like the teen Titans have a new member! Welcome to be world Nightstar."

It had a picture of a baby. She had green eyes Jet like Starfire.

I guess the laws of life are still the same.

'You have to take a life to live a life'

I pictured Damian again smiling at me and I smiled back. I put my hand to the glass and I just let it all out.

Tears filled my eyes and rolled down like waterfalls.

I rarely give my trust to people, and when I do I am trusting them to catch me when I fall.

Damian gave me his trust, and I let him slip.



I hope you loved the book. I would love feedback. 😆👌

I realize how many typos there are and some people don't like those just want to say sorry for all that.😂 thanks for putting up with it.

If you want more I am considering writing a sequel called 'Phase{DamiRea}'
So you can check it out if you want.

Bye, for now, hopes you loved it.🤣👍

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