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It was 5 in the morning and Robin was up and training with the simulator before any of the others got to it.

I got up to make some herbal tea.

When he flagged me down in the hallway?

"Do you trust Terra?"

"Wow. That was straight. But Yes. I do" I lied. I did get the sense that Tara wasn't really into the hero thing before. What makes it different now?

Plus, her history with Slade, but he was dead now and so should she.

"Why?" Robin using a more demanding tone.

"She has never been on the good side. She has never really experienced being a hero, no strings attached, and the fact she came back here on her own free will, shows that she is willing to change.

we all had a hard time before. Right now, what she needs is someone to be there for her."

Damian was making this facial expression that showed he was thinking.

It's kind of hard to tell with his mask.

"Hmm" he turned and walked in the other direction.

Beast boy

I stopped by Tara's room. I had put on a nice shirt and Cologne.

When she opened the door, she just looked up at me in an irritated way.


"Uh hi. I was just wondering if you were comfortable. And if you need any help moving in?......again?"

This wasn't going so well.

The last time I saw here she was broken. Slade had betrayed her and she was crushed by boulders.

She moved to one side, and I saw that she only had one bag. And it was empty already.

"Is that it?" She said, cold as a stone. My palms were all sweaty and I think, I think, I didn't apply deodorant. CRAP!!!

"Ah. The real reason I am here is to see if you're ok. Like ok ok. You know since the whole Judas Contract and all. "

"Yeah fine."

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Ok. Fine" She closed the door.

I rounded the corner and exhaled deeply, my hands on my knees.

Raven was there. "You should give her space." Then she walked past me and towards her room, just across the hall.

"Nice cologne. I am sure Tara liked it." She said back at me.

She had noticed! That meant that Tara must have noticed!!! Yesssssss!!!


Robin never trusted anyone new. They had to earn their trust before he gave them his.

And so far, Tara hasn't shown she could not be trusted. At least not to Damian.

All her files in the main computer were deleted too. So now he had to do some hacking to get them back.

Starfire walked in. "What are you doing?" She asked

Robin turned around in the chair. "Why was all of Tara's files deleted." He demanded.

"She is trying to make a new Life for herself. Try to be supportive. You know starting with a clean slate."

"Did u just say Slade?" He mumbled.

Robin turned back to the computer and started to retrieve the files out of the trash "You are just inviting disaster. You should have sent here to Arkham asylum"

Star fire slammed the computer screen shut. "Robin! We have all been given second chances!" Star fire raised her voice.

"Raven was the one who let Trigon to earth, but we didn't send her to Arkham asylum."

"Yes, but Raven was also part of the solution too. Tara went after Slade in her own rage fit. Need I remind you that's why the cavern collapsed in the first place. And if she is alive, that means Slade can still be out there too."

Star fire couldn't argue with that. But she was still firm on her position in the matter.

"Tara is a part of the Teen Titans whether you are here or not."

Star fire

I care for all the kids here. But sometimes Robin is so demanding and pushy that he is, I hate to say it, a pest.

I am usually a nice person but he crosses me sometimes.

I remember Dick when we were in the Teen Titans together.

When Slade was dead. He was still hunted with the idea that Slade was still alive. He was so paranoid that he thought he was truly fighting Slade. He was at the point where he was hurting himself.

But then again, Slade was revived by Trigon and was alive. But now he was dead, again.

Maybe Robin has a point.

I just hope that Damian doesn't get himself hurt.

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