Who is boss

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I couldn't believe it. But lately a lot of things I couldn't believe. I didn't want to believe it.

I woke up. We were all fine. Even Gar's hand was back to normal. No little red bumps.

But that was still a question. Damin didn't really do anything just for the heck of it.

There is always a purpose for everything. And reason for things that happen.

There are doctors because people are hurt or sick.

People eat when they are hungry.

People die... well I don't know where I was going with that but Damian locked us in here with the red smoke for a reason. Sure we look fine but what really happened is yet to be found.

I was so deep in thought I missed everyone getting up.

"What happened?" They all asked.

"Damian betrayed us. That's happened." Tara's voice came from behind me.

"No he did this for a reason." I argued.

"Yeah to get away."

Dick looked puzzled. "Raven is right. "I glanced at Tara then back at dick.

"The red smoke was for something."

"Did anyone notice the silver collar on his neck?"

I tuned and gave me an icee cold stare. "You should have said that sooner."

"Well you should have seen it. It was right there."

"Guys stop fighting." Starfire put her hands between us.

"Dudes. What is that?"Gar pointed to a thing in the hall. It looked like a round dot.

It was blue.

I turned to see Jamie in his normal clothes out of uniform. He was still out.

A guard came by.

He just took one look at us then gazed at the scarab. He bent down to poke it.

If I didn't know better I think his original intent was to get the bugs attention and kill himself.

Suddenly the scarab moved and attached itself to the guard's back.

I quickly read his name tag before the bug took over. Bret. Bret was his name.

Bret was to be the new Blue beetle. But whose side is he on us?

Damian (Clone)

By now Bret should have the scarab and end the Titans. I don't plan on letting Slade have the pleasure of ending them.

"So what do you plan to relay do?" Asked Slade. Standing in the doorway.

"I am killing two birds with one stone." I replied.

"Who, may I ask, are the two birds?"

Slade and I are equally matched mentally but physically I could pound him into the ground on a whim.

"You want the Titans gone. And so do I." I continued.

"Yes but there's more. There's always more."

"What else do you want? What else would getting the Titans out of your way help you accomplish?"

Slade was trying to get information out of me.

I spun around in my chair to face him.

"You wouldn't understand." I gave him a cold stare.

He pulled up his mask and looked me straight in the eye.

"You have eyes of a tiger."

Was he evaluating me? Threw my eyes?

"You are exactly the same."

I grabbed him by the caler.

"What does that mean?" I demanded.

"It means you're as childish and naïve as the real Damian."

I was very sensitive about being called the fake. I am real. I am tangible. And I am here.

I punched him in the face.

"You are just like Damian too."

I grabbed the controller and pressed the first button.

"You still don't know who's boss here." 

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