Finale (part 4)

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"You have to give it to me. I need to go save my family."

I am a bit hesitant because getting the scared back means that I will be giving up my chance to be a normal hero. But the team needs me.

I guess no matter what kinda hero I am I am still a hero.


"Dude this is serious the scarab can only be passed if you either give it to me or you will be netting your mother in heaven."

I was starting to sound like Damian now. The kid seemed frightened.

He detached the scarab and was ready to give it to me when he suddenly pulled back.

"Even if you go it's going to be a death sentence."

"Why would you care if I die." I reached across him to get the scarab but he pulled away even further and we fell.

The position we were in was a bit inappropriate.

I was on top of him and we were face to face.

Then he did something I never thought he would do.

He leaned forward and kissed me.

His eyes were closed but mine were quite the opposite. My eyes were going to bulge out of their sickest.

But for some reason I didn't pull away. I was just frozen.(❄️)

I pulled back putting my hand to my mouth.

The boy looked down his hair covering his eyes. He tossed me the scarab.

"Just go."

I didn't want to talk about it any more.

I got up and left.

I didn't even want to acknowledge it happened.

What kiss?


This was something straight out of a horror movie.

The place we were in was an abandoned children's hospital. He had to find the basement and that's where they were.

We rounded a corner and a guy with a gun started to shoot at us. Raven blocked the bluest and beast boy tamed him to the ground.

"Ok guys we have to be careful. There could be anyone anywhere."

The hallway opened up into a giant hanger full of vehicles. Planes, submarines, motorcycles, you name it.

But behind the junk, there were about 40 guys with Guns.

We were taken by surprise and Raven put up a dome.

"I can't hold it forever."

"Ok. Titans Go!"

With that we began to fight.

I took out 3 guys with a giant boulder and Beast Boy jumped over and sat on 2 as an elephant.

It was Brett bloody and blood got on his butt.

I couldn't help but laugh.

He turned back and laughed too.

Dick broke the mood with reality. "Focus." He demanded. Then we went back to fighting.

Damian (clone)

I could see mother was more radiant than ever. But for some reason I didn't feel loved.

She never made much affection; it was all business.

But this guy, Bruce Wayne, is so much different.

He actually cared. I saw him all bloody and his mask was ripped off.

After Damian betrayed him he still loved him. And this Raven character. This little me has feelings for her too. For all of them.

But what I really noticed is how they reach out to him but he still blocks them out. He puts up Barriers.


If death felt like this I see why people are dining to get here.

But I still had a sense of being somewhere but I just didn't know where.

I remember something about memory swap, something like that.

I could see these things, I think ,never happened. but fiction is quickly becoming Fact.

I had a black lab whose name was Titus, I think? Or maybe? No it was Titus.

There was this girl with raven black hair. I forget her name.

The girl with the raven black hair....

The girl with the raven hair....

The girl with the raven....


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