Chapter 13/Epilouge

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*Hello people of the universe. Yes, unfortunately this is supposed to be the last chapter. Albeit, I didn't know so many people would come to love it.

800 reads! Oh my gosh!

Since so many of you have loved this story so much, I highly recommend you check out some of my other stories. I have more Gravity Falls, Star Wars Rebels, Steven Universe, and Undertale, if you're interested. Just a suggestion though, I'm not forcing anything.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a super duper day!*

"Hey mom. How's rehab?", Mabel asked through the cell phone. The beeps of the crane went off in the background, lifting heavy metal onto the rooftop of an apartment building. Cleanup from the Weirdmageddon was a bit taxing, but it had to be done.

"It's fine, sweetie. Things are really looking up for me, oddly enough.", Mrs. Pines motherly voice responded. Mabel chuckled faintly. "Same here."

Right before the crazy apocalypse, the girl knew she wouldn't have said that. It was scary, hearing her brother say those words. The words that would have torn them apart after the summer. How selfish could Dipper get? Knowing what they would be coming home to, and leaving her to face it alone.

Mabel looked down. At the same time, she wasn't one to blame either. Dipper did so much for her, and the tween had shown little to no gratitude in return. Being Ford's apprentice would have been a dream come true for him. But...he turned it down at the end. Because of her.

She turned off of the road, walking back to the shack, listening to her mother talk. The woman sounded happy, something neither twin has heard in....years. As she listened, the girl gave the occasional uh huh and yeah in response. Slowly, home sweet home presented itself.

Repairs were just about done, despite the S still on the ground. Yep. Gotta love this place.

Dipper and Ford were talking on the porch, probably about something super sciency. Dipper had several fresh bandages, but still seemed to be laughing his butt off like it was nothing.

Ford looked over at the girl sympathetically as she walked into the shack. The scientist gave a chuckle as well, seeing the wounds Dipper had. Those poor kids. After discovering Dipper's scars, bruises and dents, the boy and Stanley told him what the twins went through. Stanley did most of the talking. The man shook the look away so the boy couldn't see. Had he known sooner, maybe he could've done something.

No, Ford told himself. He couldn't think like that. No level of intelligence could change what has already happened. Not unless he had some sort of time machine- Ford stopped in thought, suddenly making blueprints in his mind. Dipper cocked his head to the side in curiosity. "Great uncle Ford, is something wrong?", he asked. "What? No, no. Simply thinking.", the older man responded, still holding his chin. "You might want to go do some last minute packing. Don't want to forget anything tomorrow, after all." Dipper sighed, but complied, walking inside.

In all honesty, he did everything he could to not pack. Maybe it was because the boy didn't like the mindset of leaving a place like this, maybe he just didn't feel like picking up his dirty laundry; he wasn't entirely sure. Dipper slowly walked up the stairs, taking in the sights. Summer seemed to have flown by, it happened so fast. And everything that happened felt like a dream; one neither of them wanted to wake up from, despite everything.

Holding the attic doorknob, Dipper shuddered slightly. He couldn't believe he played a part in helping Bill. Yes, Mabel was safer, but to make the whole town suffer because of it?

The tween hung his head disappointed. He was a pawn in Cipher's plan, and unfortunately played his part. How could he have been so blind? Dipper peeked through the doorway, looking at his sister. She was packing up while still on the phone. The boy smiled absentmindedly in thought. At least she was safe now. They both were. That's what's important.

Dipper opened the door, earning the attention of his sister. "Hey, bro-bro! Was fixing to say bye to mom.", she greeted, putting her on speaker. "Bye mom!", the twins shouted in unison. "Goodbye my star! Goodbye my sunshine!", the voice on the other end called, hanging up. Mabel sighed in relief. "Mom's gonna be happy to see us tomorrow.", the sister remarked. "I can tell.", responded her brother, glancing to his side of the room.

He sighed and pulled out his suitcase, quickly packing up neatly, in comparison to his sister's throw-in-the-suitcase method. The boy finished within an hour, looking back up with a heavy heart. It didn't look right, seeing his walls and bed so bare.

Mabel saw her brother so upset, and did the one thing Mabel knew she does best. The girl walked up and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know, bro.", she comforted with a sigh. "C'mon, let's go eat dinner.", the girl decided, dragging him with her.

(Epilogue brought to you by Smile Dip!!)

They still couldn't believe the whole town threw a party just for them. The now-officially-teen twins smiled and giggled as they partied the hardest they've ever had. It totally made up for all the other parties they've never had. Weren't allowed.

It was glorious, no one wanted it to end. But...unfortunately...

As the sunset stretched across the treetops, closest friends and family waited with them at the bus stop. It was time to bid farewells, as the bus headlights faintly got closer.

"Goodbye, friends.", Mabel told Candy and Grenda as she hugged them. "Are you sure you'll be alright? We could always hide you in my basement.", Candy asked, concerned. Mabel chuckled but shook her head. Dipper walked over to Wendy. The redhead held out a fist bump, which he gladly accepted with a faint smile. "Hey dude. Man, this summer's been crazy, huh?", she asked. "Yeah, it was pretty nuts." Out of nowhere, she traded hats with him, putting on his pine tree hat. "Open this the next time you miss us, alright?", Wendy asked, giving him a letter. He eyed it curiously, and stuffed it in a vest pocket.

Mabel walked over to Stan and Ford, smiling at the goodbye sweater she had made for Stan. Dipper joined her too, smiling at the tears in his eyes. The older man got on his knees, holding his arms out. " little gremlins brought me nothing but trouble...and I'm glad you're leaving.", he remarked, trying to be tough. The twins laughed at his remark, hugging him. "Gruncle Stan-" "-we love you too!", the twins said in tears.

As the bus pulled up, the twins hopped on until Mabel's skirt was tugged on. She looked down, heartbroken at the pig. "Oh Waddles, I'm not allowed to have a pet pig, so... You'll have to stay here!", she said painfully. The pig, however, didn't believe it, only tugging harder.

Stan grumbled in frustration. "That's it!", he shouted. "I had to deal with this pig all summer, now your mom gets to! Hey driver! This pig is going on the bus!", Stan shouted, definite. Before the bus driver could retort, Stan held out his brass knuckles, and Ford discreetly revealed his blaster. There wasn't any argument after that.

The doors closed, and the bus drove off, back to California. And with heavy hearts, the twins waved goodbye until their summer friends and family had vanished into the distance.

It only felt like yesterday, they had been anxious to go home. But now, it didn't feel so bad. The feeling Dipper had, was finally gone. The pain Mabel felt had dulled.

Albeit, they were confused at  first. It was so unlike them to send the twins away. However, soon, they began to enjoy the town, the experience. The only problem was, was that they had to come home. Had to wake up.

This didn't deflate them for long, however. Because they knew, one day, that trip would have a one way ticket instead. 

Dipper, in a sense of heartache, opened Wendy's letter and smiled at what he saw.

Dipper, in a sense of heartache, opened Wendy's letter and smiled at what he saw

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