Chapter 11

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*Hello people of the universe!!! I really appreciate how far this book has come, and I really wanna thank you for making it go this far.

Anyways, hope you're enjoying the story and have a super duper day!*

It was a literal deal with the devil.

Dipper got up and looked around before glaring at the demon. "Bill. What do you want?", he said in a hateful tone. The twins and Bill don't have the cheeriest past after all.

Cipher chuckled. You had a problem. Thought I could come and help. He gestured to Mabel, whose stomach began to slightly glow. Dipper furrowed his eyebrows, moving to shield his sleeping sister. "Don't touch her!", he shouted. "I'll die before letting you hurt her."

Jeez kid. Always jumping to conclusions. How about you use your big brain to think about the situation for once, eh?

Bill flew a circle around the boy, making him jump. Summoning a cane, he twirled it around before sighing. Listen, I have no intent to hurt either one of you. Dipper raised an eyebrow at the statement, clearly not believing it.

This time., the demon finished. Far from it, actually. I've found that you have something that can be of my use, and more importantly, that there's a trading token that you might have an intrest in. Dipper glared, making it obvious he had no intrest in the deal. Bill huffed, slightly annoyed. All I ask is that you hear me out, and if you refuse, then that'll be that. Just note I'm only gonna make this offer once.

The tween rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this. "What do you want, Cipher?"

The triangle demon laughed a little. Let's make not this about me here. A more important question would be, what do YOU want? He pointed to Mabel, making her stomach glow slightly again. It showed the embryo, alive and growing. I figured you aren't exactly gung ho on being an uncle this young. So, I'd be willing to fix that.

The boys eyes widened. Before opening his mouth, Pines looked down. Was he seriously considering this?

Well, if you thought about it, it may help their lives enormously, he thought. But at the same time, this was Bill. Bill Cipher, the demon with something always up his sleeve. He narrowed his eyes, looking back at the demon. "What's the catch? No. Games.", he demanded, remembering the last time they made a deal.

The demon laughed a little louder. Easy. There are some old friends I need to get in touch with, and I need a vessel to do it. Pines grumbled, not enjoying where this was heading. The old one I used has been long decayed and... a nice businessman might just pull them to my side. Dipper froze, processing what was just said. A nice man like your father just may do the trick.

Bill turned around, facing the boy with a glowing red eye. Catch is, if you take the deal, you'll more than likely never see the old man again. But I don't think that'll be much of a problem. He casually said. It was almost as if he practiced this, it rolled off his nonexistent tongue so easily.

Pines blinked. He took a deep breath. Looking down, the boy almost felt ashamed. He was actually considering this. Looking back at the sleeping Mabel, his gaze softened. Maybe... this would be for the better. They could be happy, not having to look over their shoulder. The looming presence could finally disappear.

Bill held out a flaming hand expectantly. Do we have a deal, Pine Tree? Dipper cringed at a disgusting taste forming in his mouth, as well as the uneasy feeling he had once in a dream. Turning back at his sister he sighed. This was for Mabel.

Looking back at the demon, Dipper shook his hand. Cipher started chuckling before gradually increasing into an evil laughter. Snapping his fingers, the glow in Mabel's stomach started to fade, until it finally vanished. PLEASURE DOING BUSINESS WITH YA!!, Bill shouted before vanishing.

Dipper jolted awake, finding Mabel was still asleep. Looking around, everything seemed back to normal. It took a few breaths to finally calm down, but when he did, he realized everything that just happened. He started chuckling at the irony of what just happened.

It took a demon to get rid of one.

The sun was starting to set, giving everything an odd hint of red and pink. Taking Mabel gently by the shoulder, he shook her awake. The girl's eyes fluttered open, immediately rolling to the side. She threw up, to the point she was walking weakly.

But Dipper was there to comfort her with a soft smile. "C'mon, Mabel. We should probably head back." The other twin nodded, standing up. "Okay, bro-bro." And with a grin, the Pines twins walked back to the Mystery Shack.

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