Chapter 4

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Stanley liked these kids. They were goofy, snarky, and kind of reminded him of his childhood. During the first week, it seemed that the twins seemed it a little unsettled. Dismissing it as nerves and anxiety, he just went along like nothing had happened. After a while, he was right. Mabel unwound and started to make friends with everyone in her path. Dipper, on the other hand, seemed to tense up. He and that boy were going to have some issues.

Once the twins learned the system, they started acting as expected. Smiling and laughing, trying to have fun. They made friends, had crushes, and tried to not flinch when an injury was touched. Mabel seemed to fit the part naturally, while Dipper was still wary of the place. He hated the forest at first, but rather than make friends like his sister, he eventually warmed up to it. The Gravity Woods became a second home to him. He preferred it.

The tween was tossing and turning in his bed. It was too quiet. Mabel seemed to feel the same, as she gave up and threw her covers off of her. Dipper repeated the action, and they looked at each other. Finally standing up, they went downstairs to see what their caretaker was up to. 

Dipper still thought Stan was like everyone else on the Pines side. Deceitful, cruel, scams who picked pockets to pay the bills. (Try saying that five times fast). The man had yet to prove him true, but rather take chances, he and Mabel played it safe, and followed the system. That way, no one could get hurt. 

The old man fell asleep watching television, it seemed. He was snoring loudly in the yellow chair, as a program was being broadcast. It was of a man and woman fighting, hitting and cursing at each other. Mabel looked at Dipper, wondering what they should do. 

Rather than waking the old man up, which could result in something bad, or practicing their monologues, which would result in them getting no sleep, the boy simply turned the volume up a little, and they went back to bed.

As the twins listened to the fights on TV, they went to bed peacefully. 

Sounds just like home.   

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