Chapter 3

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On the bus, Mabel fell asleep against Dipper, in a peace she almost forgot existed. After finding the perfect sleeping position, she drifted off into slumber city.

She was excited, and she knew Dipper was too (even if he didn't show it). They were going to spend their summer in a home in the woods, hundreds of miles away from home. It would be perfect. They could go outside, go shopping, make friends without worrying about whether their dad was in one of his moods or not. You know, like normal kids.  

As the bus jolted a little from the road, causing Dipper to jump, heart stopping. Seeing as his sister was asleep, he tried not to have his panic attack too big or loud. He was still unsure about this whole summer trip. After all, this Great Uncle of theirs was on his side of the family. And as far as the boy knew, everyone he met from the Pines family has always been the same. 

Loud, rude, and... 

Shaking his head a little, Dipper moved onto a different subject. He was trying to do what Mabel asked when they first got on the bus. To not think about them too much. Taking a deep breath, he decided to sleep the rest of the bus ride. 

Didn't wanna look too sleep deprived for Stan. Gotta make a good impression, right?

When the bus stopped, the twins slowly made out a forest bus stop, where no one was to be found. He turned to Mabel cautiously and grabbed a certain spot on her shoulder, shaking her a little. "Psst. Mabel. Wake up." 

Eyelids slowly opening, Mabel looked up and grumbled, "Are we there already?" Getting a nod, she rubbed her eyes, and they grabbed their things. 

Watching the bus drive off, the twins took a deep breath. No turning back now. 

It didn't take them long to find the house. Shop was a more accurate description, though. With a number of signs around the large wooden house, and large red signs saying Mystery Hack. The S must have fallen, judging by the imprint.

Mabel seemed entranced by all the obviously fake attractions, while Dipper wanted to burst out laughing. This guy was so deceitful, he made a living out of it. He was just like everyone else in the Pines family tree. Even Grandma Shermie.

Not a minute later, a man popped up in a cloud of smoke. It startled the twins, so much they jumped a little. "Children, please, don't be startled by my elderly face. I'm Mr. Mystery of the Mystery Shack. Now go tell your parents to come take a tour, or buy some merchandise. I'm sure it'll fit in those bags of your's. Somewhere." 

Dipper raised an eyebrow. Was this guy not it? "Actually, we're looking for a man by the name of Stanford. Stanford Pines. Is there any chance you know where-" The man interrupted the quiet boy with a loud laugh. "So you two must be the gremlins, huh? Sorry about that. Anyway, get your things, I'll show you to your room." Wait, room? 

The twins gave each other odd looks. They've never had to share a room before. Mabel then flashed a braces-filled smile, grabbed her bags, and took off to where Stanford was. When he held the door open, she said as fast as she was moving, "Thanks Great Uncle Stan!" 

Because she said it so fast, it sounded like, "Thanks Grunkle Stan!" Assuming this was what she said, he chuckled slightly. Dipper rolled his eyes. 

He loved his sister and all, but sometimes she was a little too trusting. Turning around, he saw the dark forest. It royally gave him the creeps. At the movement of a near bush, he turned around and booked it, about twice the speed of Mabel. Slamming the door behind him, Dipper inhaled deeply, despite his injuries over several years forbidding him.

He wasn't going to like this summer. At all.

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