Chapter 6

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*Okay, 1st one off the list-

Good God Man! The number of reads skyrocketed these past few weeks! Thank you so much for all of your support on this. I was beginning to think I was the only one who still cared about this show. Thank you so much for your support. 

I'm done now. Enjoy!*

Dipper ran down the stairs in terror. The shadow looming above tried whipping at him left and right, but he narrowly dodged the attacks. He kept running in horror as Mabel cried out from the backyard. When they met up, the twins took off from behind the fence. 

Into the forest they went, in a course they had memorized since youth. They knew where to split up, where to meet, and which tree they should climb. As the two ran, he got farther and farther behind. As Dipper helped Mabel climb the tree facing the creek, he was already heading back to the house. 

They won. They were at the Spot. He was gone.

Dipper hugged Mabel as she cried quietly. But when he opened his eyes, she wasn't there anymore. Nor was anything else. It was a black void, with darkness stretching for miles. That's when he had this nagging feeling. It was on his back, one he couldn't shake off, or describe. 

You know that feeling you get, or would've gotten if you felt like you're being watched? Like it's right behind you, but you can't turn around. It felt kind of like that, but with a mixture that something's about to happen. Something bad, that you're going to be too late to fix. 

It got so heavy and caught in his throat that he felt like he was going to throw up. But he didn't. He tried running, only to find the thing he couldn't see behind him getting closer. It got the point he felt the breath on his neck.

The boy woke up in shudders, throwing his blanket off the bed. He heard Mabel's soft snores on the other side of the room, almost making him jump. The forest was gone, the void was gone, but he still felt like something was going to happen. 

He looked at the clock next to him. 3:45 in the morning. Mabel still slept soundly in her bed, mumbling just a little as she turned. To this, he gave a relieved sigh. If she was fine, he was fine. That was all that mattered.

He went back to bed, barely hearing the dark, twisted laugh in the distance. 

The feeling came back.    

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