Chapter 10

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After weeks, months, years of keeping everything in the dark, the Mystery twins felt an essence of calm unbeknownst to them. Granted, they would have to pick of the debris after the storm they endured, but it was finally over. At least, they hoped it was.

Dipper leapt over a log in the forest, revealing a little clearing. He helped his sister over, trying to be careful with her. Mabel rolled her eyes at the gesture. "I can still take care of myself.", she remarked. Retracting, the boy let her be. 

They were both still a little scared. He'll be waiting at home, knowing fully what state the two will be in. And how to punish them for letting others inside, shattering the image of the perfect little dollhouse. As if they didn't have enough to be afraid of.

Mabel didn't want the child. She wasn't even in high school yet, how could she be a mother? Questions similar constantly raced through her head. The tween was happy everyone accepted her and the child, despite the fact it was because they didn't know what else to do with it. 

Around the clearing was a little creek surrounded by strong old trees. Trees that opened up to a sunny sky. "I found it the other day. It looks a lot like-" "The spot.", she finished. The two looked down the clear creek, finding friendly little supernatural fishes. The sun was warm, inviting. Dipper sat down against the log, stretching out. "I figured you might like it." 

Mabel sat down next to him, taking off her neon glitter sweater. The girl yawned, listening to the various birds chirping around them. The peacefulness drifted her off into a sleepy daze, letting the darkness overcome her as she closed her eyes. Dipper chuckled slightly, putting some sunscreen on the two of them. 

He didn't like what he didn't know. So far, the boy or the girl didn't know a lot of things. What would happen next, how they would be treated. There are some bullies in town, and worse, there are some people that give them pity. Those people are almost as cruel as the ones who cause it. Because if you're given pity, you're basically being told that you're sad and can't be expected to do anything for yourself. 

Dipper sighed as his sister put her head on the boy's shoulder. He just wanted to protect Mabel, to keep her safe. Even if that means looking after the child as well. 

He's honestly come to terms with being an uncle, knowing fully well that they have their disadvantages. Dipper also knows that she would rather not be a mom, and he's alright with waiting on being an Uncle, but there's truly no other choice on the matter.

He shut his eyes as well, trying to block out everything. But something... prevented, him from falling asleep. The boy opened his eyes, to a strange surprise. They were in the same place, yes, but not really at the same time. Everything seemed frozen, and eerily quiet. 

His last thought played around the plane like an echo, only coming from random areas. No other choice, over and over again, finally landing in front of him. The boy looked around, trying to find the source of the echo, only to land on an oddly Dorito shaped shadow that appeared in front of him.   

Dipper glared at the shadow. It strengthened in opacity, becoming fully dark. A yellow eye opened, causing Dipper to glare harder. 

You sure about that?

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