The Drug Dealers Handbook

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A drug deal was so not what I expected I would be doing on my seventeenth birthday.

I was thinking more along the lines of faking a shocked face when I went outside to find a car (new or used, I'm not picky) or maybe the new iPhone I had been praying my parents would some how come up with the money for the past umpteenth months.

I even had a blank face prepared in case I just happened to open a gift card for the 7 Eleven down the street.

No. Instead, I got one of those super cheesy cards from my parents that sing happy birthday to you,  because they couldn't afford any more than that and frankly, even if we did have the money I wouldn't have gotten more than that damn card. On top of that, I was exchanging goods with some middle aged man in the furthest corner of the Walmart parking lot, trying to look discreet, as opposed to spending my day laughing with family and friends like in previous years.

But James had promised me a job that pays well, I just didn't know this job happened to be illegal. Let alone the fact that I would start on my birthday.

I counted out the money the man had given me, and nodded in approval before returning back to James' car.

That's another thing I didn't expect; being friends with James Callihan, AKA my ex's brother.

But hey, life never goes according to plan, now does it?

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