Chapter Six

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I haven't gone to school in a couple days. Turns out finding two dead bodies could be a pretty good reason not to go to school. But today I have to, I have a cross country meet and I'm riding the bus there with everyone else. I don't really want to go but I promise my mom I would go if she let me take a few days off of school.

I've seen Lydia and Allison a few times, they brought me the work I missed and some notes. I've talked to Scott a little bit over text and he's kept me updated in what's going on at school. I haven't talked to Stiles though, figured he was busy with something. I take a shower real quick and put on some jeans and a shirt. I do a little bit with my hair and makeup but I'm just going to be on a bus all day so what's the point.

My mom drops me off at school and I go stand near the bus with the other kids, this is the first time I've actually seen Scott or Stiles in a few days.

"Hey, Bella!" Stiles says walking over to me.


"How're you feeling?" Scott asks me

"Uh, ya know. I'm good," I say and nod my head trying my best to sound convincingly good but I'm failing.

"Alright, everyone on the bus," I hear Coach yell. Scott and Stiles take the back seat and I sit in the one in front of them. Stiles starts quizzing Scott and I start reading my book I checked out in the library a few days ago. I occasionally make a comment on them but try my best not to be too sarcastic.

"Anachronism," I hear Stiles say

"Something that exists out of its normal time," I say and smile.

"Now that was for Scott, not you missy," Stiles says and smiles too. We look at each other and he goes back to quizzing Scott. I'm leading against the bus window which isn't the most comfortable thing in the world but it works.

"Next word, 'incongruous'"

Scott answers after a few times.

"Okay next word. Darak, it's a noun," Stiles says, "come on we have to talk about it and we're gonna be stuck in this thing for like five hours so why not?"

"Talk about what?" I ask

"Nothing," Stiles and Scott say at the same time.

"Yeah sure, like I believe you. Come on what is it?"

"It's a word that Scott should know the meaning of," Stiles saying and looks over at Scott and roll my eyes and go back to my reading.


I am woken up my the bus slamming on its breaks. I guess at some point I feel asleep. "What going on?"

"Ah! Glad you could join us, we're in a traffic jam," Stiles says

"Lovely," I say and look over at Scott, "Hey Scott? You okay?"

"Hmmm, y-yeah, I'm alright," Scott says. He tries to stand up.

"Scott, what are you doing?" Stiles asks

"Boyd, he's gonna do something."

"How do you know?"

"Look at his hands,"

I look over and see big claws coming out of his finger nails. "What the hell?"

"What?" Stiles says

"Claws, coming out of Boyd's nails," I tell him.

"What? No. I don't see anything. You should go back to sleep," He tells me.

"No! I'm not hallucinating."

"Bella, there's nothing there."

I look over but I can't see Boyd's hands anymore. Scott keeps trying to get to Boyd and I know something's wrong I just can't figure out what. But I know I saw claws. I go to the 'supernatural' part in my book and tune everything out and start reading it.

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